Thylean Centaur

"I once saw a stampede of centaurs going to battle against the cyclopes, west of Xanderia. There is no more marvelous sight in Thylea than their spears gleaming in the sun of the steppes, wild manes flowing, hooves thundering. That night, they feasted and sang under the stars, calling out to me from afar, but I confess that I was too afraid to draw near."   —Leyland, Gladiator of Mytros
A noble race that roams the great plains of the world, centaurs are both feared and respected by other intelligent creatures.

Basic Information


Centaurs possess a humanoid torso with a horse’s lower body.

Growth Rate & Stages

Centaurs mature at the same rate as Humans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

While centaurs can be herbivores, they prefer meat and enjoy hunting, but they will resort to gathering fruit, nuts, and other plants if an area has been overhunted. Travelers who are respectful of the plants and animals in tribal territory are left alone, but those who disrespect nature or try to build permanent settlements of any kind will become a target of the tribe’s wrath.


Centaurs are a proud people. They view themselves as superior to all other races and demand respect and adulation. They can be vain about their appearance and are careful to be dignified and aloof in the presence of others. However, most centaurs are also fond of drink and once inebriated they can become loud, boorish, and dangerous.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Centaurs are a tribal people. Centaurs are fiercely loyal to members of their tribe and will never leave one of their own behind. If they join an adventuring group, they will often consider that group to be their current tribe and will be intensely loyal to their fellow heroes.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Centaurs normally roam huge expanses of steppe land that they consider their domain. They don't build settlements in these lands, but they are protective of them.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Centaurs have names that are specific to their race. These names can often be difficult for members of other races to pronounce, so they can adopt nicknames when traveling with a band of non-centaurs.  

Male Names:

  Agrius (Agri), Amycus (Amy), Asbolus (Az), Bienor, Chiron, Cyllarus (Cyl), Dictys, Eurytus (Tus), Elatus, Eurytion (Yuri), Hylaeus (Hyla), Nessus, Perimedes (Peri), Pholus, Rhoetus (Rote), and Thaumas (Tom).  

Female Names:

  Agaria, Biano, Cylla, Diena, Eura, Hylonome (Hylo), Heranae (Hera), Nessicana (Nessie), Nara, Ponadata (Pona), Rhaelatisis (Rala), Rhaena (Rain), and Seranu (Sara).

Major Organizations

The largest centaur faction in Thylea are the Centaurs of the Steppes.

Relationship Ideals

When they mate, centaurs mate for life.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Centaurs often speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

The centaurs tend to worship the mother goddess], but they will sometimes offer prayers to one of the titans, Sydon  or Lutheria. They never worship the Five.


In the First War that raged five centuries ago, thousands of centaurs were killed by the invading The Dragonlords, and the centaurs have never forgotten or forgiven.

Common Myths and Legends

Centaur legends claim that they are the offspring of a powerful god of war that came down to the mortal plane in the form of a stallion. They are proud of this divine heritage and demand that the proper respect be shown to them.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Centaurs are distrustful of the civilized races. The distrust is mutual, especially as centaur tribes are now flocking to the banner of Sydon and raiding outlying farms. Centaurs that enter a Thylean town or city will find that they are tolerated but kept under constant watch.
Centaurs live to be around 80 years old.
Average Height
Centaurs range from 6’6” to 7 feet in height and tower over most other races.
Average Weight
Centaurs weight between 700 and 900 pounds.
Average Length
Centaurs rock 40 solid inches on a good day, but when it's cold the length may varyingly become shorter. But in general, they sport just massive dongs other races could only dream of.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Centaurs are as varied in coloration and physical build as humans and horses. Their horse body can be chestnut brown, black as a nightmare, pure white as a unicorn, grey, and other colors between. They can be a single color, spotted, have white “socks,” or have hooves of different coloration. Their human bodies can be of any skin color from dark skinned to pale. Their human hair can be black, brown, blonde, or red—but it most often complements that of their horse body.


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