Thylean Satyr

"Trust these horn-headed fiends to get the better end of any deal you make with them. They’ll ask to be paid in wine, and then drink you into poverty. I caught one of them tupping my sister behind the stables, and rather than having the good sense to be ashamed, he wrote a song about it. Sod them all, but the damned goats play music that could make the Muse herself weep.”   —Delphion, Innkeeper of the Dragon’s Tooth
Satyrs are a race of fey creatures with a strong link to the Feywild and all of the creatures and races that come from that place. They prefer forested wilderness but are not afraid to enter towns and cities to enjoy the company and other benefits of civilization.

Basic Information


Satyrs have the lower body of a goat and the upper body of an elf. A pair of goat-like horns sprout from their foreheads. These horns can range from small spikes to huge horns worthy of a mountain goat. In addition to a full head of hair, satyrs grow fur on their arms, legs, and torsos. Some satyrs grow less fur, and many choose to carefully shave the hair from their arms and body.

Growth Rate & Stages

Satyrs mature quickly, reaching adulthood by their early teens.


Satyrs are in tune with their emotions to a degree that can be disturbing to other races. They want to experience everything: happiness, sadness, love, rage, etc. The only thing they avoid is boredom.   They love music, wine, and dancing. They also enjoy an interest in carnal pleasures, and they are not afraid to share a bed with any of the other intelligent races.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Satyrs have names that they draw from legends and myths—and from the powers that rule over the Feywild.  

Male Names:

  Adrastos, Aeolus, Brontes, Castor, Cephalus, Glaucus, Helios, Iacchus, Kreios, Lycus, Melanthios, Okeanos, and Proteus.  

Female Names:

  Acantha, Astraea, Briseis, Clio, Erato, Harmonia, Ianthe, Jocasta, Melete, Phaedra, Phoebe, Selene, and Tethys.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Satyrs commonly speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Satyrs love to listen to music. They will happily spend long stretches of time both playing and composing new music. They are known to travel great distances to hear new songs, instruments, and poetry.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Satyrs don’t have the same strained relationship with the civilized races of Thylea that the centaurs do. Satyrs can be found in many towns and villages throughout Thylea, as well as the great city of Mytros. They are attracted to the abundance of experiences that civilization provides: the food, the wine, and most especially the music.   The civilized races of Thylea are suspicious of satyrs, for there are many stories of satyrs seducing and corrupting both the old and the young alike.
Satyrs can live for several centuries.
Average Height
Satyrs range from 4 to 5 feet in height.
Average Weight
Satyrs weight between 100 and 150 pounds.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They can have brown, black, blonde, red, grey, or white hair. Their skin color ranges from dark to pale.


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