Oread Species in Thylea | World Anvil
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As the most airy of the nymphs, in demeanor and their chosen domains, oreads are reclusive creatures associated with mountains, skies, and clouds. They are mischievous and selfish, even by fey standards, and one of their favorite pastimes is to take a mortal lover to “paradise.” The lover is only returned to the mortal realm a century or more later, once their families and friends are all dead and gone. This is not always deliberate on the part of the oread—they simply don't give very much thought to the consequences of their actions on the lives of the mortals they beguile.   Fey Hunters. Strangely, unlike dryads and most other fey creatures, oreads are consummate hunters. Mortals with exceptional hunting skills are not punished for killing animals on an oread’s land, and may even be rewarded with a boon to improve their prowess. However, oreads take offense at mortal hunters who lack finesse. They are known to transform poor or needlessly cruel hunters into game animals as retribution for sullying their territory.   Territorial and Possessive. Oreads are by far the most territorial of all nymphs. They may suffer mortal trespassers in their lands for a time, but always with the understanding that their sovereignty over that land must be honored and reaffirmed. They expect visiting mortals to make offerings of food and wine at shrines along the roads—failing to do so many provoke the oread into hunting trespassers as game. Additionally, if an oread takes a romantic interest in a mortal who passes through his territory, he may claim that mortal as his “pet.


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