Prophecy of the Oracle in Thylea | World Anvil
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Prophecy of the Oracle

The Oracle's Prophecy

    “You warriors who stand here gathered will be tested. The Fates have revealed three great tasks that must be accomplished before you are ready to sail into the three seas and face the Titans.”
“You must shape the silver fires of the lost forge in order to craft the tools that you will need. You must claim the mighty weapons wielded against the Titans by the first Dragonlord. And you must drink deep from the bottomless dragon horn, for it will reveal a vision that I cannot see.”
“But woe unto thee, for I have seen the end of all things. My father’s anger cannot be quelled, and his sister schemes even now. Your quest may yet fail and, if it should, the sky will rain black fire, and the doom of Thylea will come."


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