Session 012: The Fifth Order Report in Thylea | World Anvil
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Session 012: The Fifth Order

General Summary

Date: Pythion 16th
  After much deliberation, the Heroes of Prophecy have come to a consensus on the name of their party: The Fifth Order, aka, THC (The Hairy Chests). The heroes head to The Dragon's Tooth for some continued celebration. Ianthe enraptures the packed house with her magnificent aulos skills and begins spreading tales of their exploits and their new team title. During the festivities, a halfling man nervously walks into the public house and approaches the group. His name is Thobos, and he asks for aid in dealing with a group of local bandits harassing the area around his town, Woodhike. The heroes agree to investigate in the morning, and they separate briefly to take care of some personal affairs before bedding down for the evening.
  Date: Pytion 17th
  Before going to Woodhike, the party takes a quick pitstop at The Dragon Shrine so Dorianna can ask Aesop about the tarnished coin given to her by her mother long ago. He has some insights into its origins and its supposed magical properties, though, they seem to be inert for the time being. They also ask him about some history on Cyclops as Thobos had mentioned seeing some of their tracks around the area.
  Following the directions of Thobos, the heroes make their way northeast, past the vineyards of Estoria, and onto a slightly traveled side path until coming upon a large forest clearing. The path opens to an adorable village full of GnomesHalflings, and Sprites. They get some strange looks from the locals before Thobos greets them and invites them into the community center for some tea. He gives them as much info as he can on the situation before wishing them well on their journey. He also sends a duo of sprite scouts to help track the bandit group.
  The heroes travel north until they come upon a small stream with some large footprints scattered around, trailing deeper into the wilds. Following the tracks for about a mile, the sounds of thunderous footsteps begin to be audible on the other side of the treeline. The heroes sneak up to investigate and begin planning how best to take down the creature. Acacius and Hybris set up a trip line with a rope, and Ianthe uses minor illusion to create the sound of a sheep bleating further down the path. The Cyclops falls for the bait and begins barreling down the road to the source of the noise. Aurelia notes that the creature appears to be somewhat childish in their mannerisms and the group quickly changes how they want to handle the situation.
  The girls make their presence known to the Cyclops, and he introduces himself as Gerge. They attempt to befriend him and he tries to pick them up and take them back to his camp to introduce them to his other friend, "Kortev". They try to lead Gerge away from the camp and heads to the entrance to draw out some of the bandits. The bandits try to intimidate them into leaving as Korteva whistles for the return of the Cyclops. She is much more aggressive in her interactions with him, and Ianthe tries to persuade him to leave the camp. He becomes conflicted and begins to weep. Korteva commands her troops to put down the giant and take care of the group.
  A battle ensues wherein Acacius is grappled and violently stabbed by the bandit captain until he falls. The rest of the heroes rush in for backup and Aurelia becomes the new target of Korteva's onslaught. More bandits join the fray and begin launching volleys of arrows at Gerge, who, in return, quickly takes out a few of their members, quite violently. After some back-and-forth and coordinated attacks from Aura and Dorianna, Korteva becomes disarmed and quickly accepts her defeat. She requests that the giant is the one to end her life, but Aura has different plans. She assaults the captain with a series of nasty blows, ending her. 
  After the fighting, the group leads Gerge back to Woodhike, keeping him a ways away from the settlement before introducing him to Thobos. The halfling is understandably cautious at first but quickly warms up to the gentle giant, offering him a place among the smallfolk. Their work done, the heroes are invited back to the community center where a group of villagers comes to pay their respects to the party in the form of small offerings. Thobos presents them with a powerful herbal salve that may become useful on their dangerous path. 
  Back in Estoria, the heroes find Kyrah who has a bandaged head after her recent dentist appointment. Everyone goes their separate ways to clean up and recuperate after their trek into the wilderness. Aurelia attempts to study the night sky to search for anything ill omens, and something does indeed point to unrest in The Oldwoods.

Rewards Granted

  • A bright green exotic feather
  • A folded piece of cloth that opens into a stylish hat
  • A silver badge
  • A pair of silver teardrop earrings
  • A gnome-crafted music box
  • A jar of Keoghtom's Ointment (4 doses)

Missions/Quests Completed



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