The Cursed One Plot in Thylea | World Anvil
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The Cursed One

Background and Goals:
  The Cursed One
  Meeting with the Oracle:
"You, Cursed One, whose veins run black with the foulest of
hexes, and punishments are disproportionate to the crimes
committed ages ago. I see that you must travel to the City of
the Dead, there you must speak with the silent guardian that
watches over all of Telamok. He shall reveal the nature of
your curse, for he was there when the curse was placed upon
your blood."


Encounter at Volkan's Forge:

  During the Wine Festival following the sacrifice in Estoria, Acacius notices a snake-haired person duck into Volkan's forge. Going to investigate, he finds a Medusa woman frantically accusing Volkan of cursing her bloodline, similar to what Acacius did the first time he met the god. 
"I have been exiled from society! I can't show my face anywhere without people running in fear or trying to execute me. I've become an outcast for so long and I can't take it anymore! You must get rid of this accursed mark! Make me normal again!"

  She begs the man to cure her and tries to warn Acacius of the severity of their situation. She explains that she has been researching their curse, and believes that they will be the last generation of their line if a cure is not found. They are being bombarded with a culmination of all the ill effects of the curse from previous generations and are suffering from it more rapidly because as a result. Before she can say much more, she doubles over in pain.
"I feel so ill.. Like snakes are slithering in my stomach, trying to burst out of me. My nightmares are becoming more frequent and vivid. Something is coming for me. You must save me! I've done nothing to deserve this!"

Before them, she transforms into the bottom half of her body becoming that of a giant snake tail, and lashes out at Volkan. A quick but deadly battle ensues between the four combatants, briefly joined by their female compatriots. Both the snake-woman and the god suffer many injuries before it is Acacius that finishes off the woman as she lies on the ground, pleading for an end to her suffering.
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