The Timeless One Plot in Thylea | World Anvil
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The Timeless One

Background and Goals:

  The Timeless One

Meeting with the Oracle:

"Cousin, strange cousin, you are an anomaly. Lost to the sands of time, yet returned to Thylea in the here and now. This was fated to be, foreseen by my namesake - your mother, Versi the First. I wish I could say what happened to her, cousin, but my father jealously guards such secrets. All that I can say is that Sydon named his children after his lost siblings as some sort of final insult. Still, I have seen you fulfill her prophecy, now given to me. For your hand to guide Thylea's new dawn, you must seek out the Hand of Kentimane that sleeps in the heart of the Oldwood, and take it to the Island of the Golden Heart. There, you shall commune with our grandmother, Thylea herself."


Finding the Hand of Kentimane:

  Within The Mossy Temple, a group of fey, Naiads and Satyrs, approach Aurelia and explain that they were foretold of her coming. They inform her that the "Hand" she seeks, resides within Demetria's tree, but she has made a deal to place powerful protection magic on it. They also inform her that Demetria has left the temple to go deeper into The Oldwoods and is preparing a mighty act of vengeance against those that harmed her so long ago.
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