Gregor Viltis Character in Thysia | World Anvil
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Gregor Viltis

King Gregor Viltis

Gregor Viltis is the latest in the Viltis, and he is surely the wisest, strongest and most accomplished yet.
  • Paradosia's national paper The Weekly Squire covers the inheritance ceremony for Paradosia's King Viltis. 
Gregor Viltis is the most recent Viltis to become king of Paradosia, the Viltis bloodline has always produced a single male heir and now Gregor is the latest king.    34 years old, Gregor wears the heavy fashions of Paradosia (they are currently in the fashion stage of Tudor and Elizabethan nobility) specifically favouring gold and ruby jewellery to adorn the crown he had made to acknowledge his royal right along with the Viltis Glaive.  He notably does not yet have an heir to the throne of Paradosia and has recently remarried one of his young servant girls after executing his last wife for treason.   Gregor Viltis is an exceptionally private king and stays in his palace, that is often closed to party's and groups barring his chosen noble advisors and allies. His main displays come during publicity events, like the Viltis kings duel (a show of the strength of the Viltis king in which they face 6 chosen sparring partners) and speeches for businesses, supporters and the Paradosian Armsbearers.   Gregor Viltis' most notable law in Paradosia is his new ruling regarding his Armsbearers. This ruling required that every Armsbearer Soldier must pledge themselves to, not their king, but to the Viltis Glaive, drawing power from it and also permanently changing their soul arms into a coloration and design matching the Viltis Glaive and their king... an oath or pact of sorts. Whilst this has greatly empowered the Paradosia Armsbearers on an individual level and given them all some degree of command over magic as well as potentially wiping their family history's of their Soul Arms clean, it has also ensured they cannot turn against their king for fear of losing their power. Though, there was surely no risk of that happening regardless.
34 Years Old
Circumstances of Birth
Gregor was born to Vicillentus, the former king of Paradosia.
Pale gold
Shoulder length raven black combed hair.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned skin from the hotter, lighter temperament of Paradosia
Ruled Locations


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