Chapter 10: Echoes of the Lotus in Tianxia 天下 | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 10: Echoes of the Lotus

She is undeniably beautiful, her skin pale and clear, like porcelain untouched by the sun. Her eyes, large and shaped like crescent moons, hold a depth that seems to reflect the very forest around them. Her lips, though pale, are accented with a touch of rouge that matches the vermillion of her attire. It's a bold color, yet the fabric is faded and stained with the signs of her time in the forest. Her hair, thick and straight, cascades down her back, shimmering with a copper undertone in the dappled sunlight. But what captivates Yi most are the golden rings adorning her ankles, wrists, and neck – seamless bands of metal that seem almost otherworldly.   “Hello?” Yi ventures again, his voice tentative.   “Oh, you startled me,” she says, her voice trembling slightly. She slowly stands up, brushing the forest debris from her clothes.   Yi, still maintaining his distance, nods politely. “I’m Yi. Are you hurt? Why are you out here alone?”   “I'm Hongmi,” she introduces herself, offering a small smile. Hongmi shakes her head. “No, I’m not hurt, just... lost, I guess. I was trying to make my way..but I got turned around.”   "Make your where?" Yi asks, trying not to stare at her, her eyes were incredibly dark but he felt he couldn't look away from them. Yi frowns, concerned yet cautious. “It's dangerous to wander these forests alone, especially for someone so young.”   Hongmi's nods, "I know, I don't want to be alone, it's just..." she trails off turning away and looking in the direction of the river. "Why are you here? How did you find me?" she asks shyly, wrapping her arms around herself again. He limbs were incredibly thing but long, Yi was almost certain she was as tall as he was.   "I'm from the Daoist Temple up the mountain. I have an errand to run in the neighboring village." Yi realizes he doesn't actually know the name of the village as the girl turns and stares at him a bit blankly. He realizes this sounds too vague and follows up with, "The one that always in the mist."   Hongmi's eyes light up, “Oh, you’re from the temple? And you're headed to Misty Village? That’s wonderful! Could I... maybe come with you to the village? I really don’t want to be alone out here. I was trying to reach the village, but I seem to have strayed from the path.”   Yi hesitates, furrowng his brow at her response. Was that what she had said? He wasn't thinking clearly, he turns his head away from her and tries to regulate his breathing, his training reminding him of the proprieties he must observe. Yet, he can't ignore her plight. “Well, it is my duty to help those in need. We are headed in the same direction, after all. But we must maintain proper distance,” he adds quickly.   As Yi turns back, Hongmi has already started closing the distance between them, and nods eagerly, her relief evident. “Of course, of course. I’m so grateful, Big Brother Yi.”   Yi, feeling an internal tug-of-war between his duties and the stirring of desire, takes a cautious step backward as Hongmi ventures closer. With a quickened pace, he leads the way back to the path, acutely aware of her presence just behind him. Once on the path, Yi walks ahead, his gaze firmly on the ground before him, a silent barrier he hopes will deter her from getting any closer to him.   After a few moments of uneasy silence, Yi realizes the need for politeness outweighs his inner turmoil. He turns slightly, his voice raised just enough to maintain the distance between them, "So, Hongmi, where do you come from? It’s unusual to see someone alone in these parts.”   "Oh, I'm not originally from here, my hometown is far away," she says, "that's why I get lost easy and tend to wander."   As they talk, Yi notices for the first time that Hongmi is without shoes. The realization strikes a chord of concern within him. “You don’t have any shoes,” he remarks, stopping to look at her bare feet. Without a second thought, he slide off his sandals and offers them to her. “Here, take these. The terrain is rough ahead.”   Hongmi protests initially, but Yi insists, aware of the dangers the uneven path could pose to her unprotected feet. She accepts the sandals, but they are large for her small feet, causing her to walk with more caution and less speed. Yi, noticing her struggle, offers his walking stick for support.   She smiles, and eyes the stick cautiously. Upon examining the stick, Hongmi gently refuses it. “Oh, I can't take your shoes and your walking stick. Just walk beside me, Big Brother Yi. That will be enough,” she says, her voice soft yet compelling.   Yi hesitates, the proximity heightening his sense of conflict. He wrestles to remain composed, reminding himself of his vows. Reluctantly, he acquiesces, walking close enough so that he can assist her if needed but maintaining a watchful restraint.   As they progress, Yi’s attention shifts to the sky. The clouds, now more pronounced, cast a growing shadow over the forest. The light dims into the hues of late afternoon, signaling the waning hours of the day. Yi estimates they have only a few hours left to reach the village. The urgency of their journey weighs on him, coupled with the complexity of his emotions and the responsibility of guiding Hongmi safely.   As they walk, Hongmi seems to naturally gravitate closer to Yi, who finds himself continually stepping aside to maintain a respectful distance. Despite her demeanor, Yi focuses on the path ahead, conscious of his role as a monk and the responsibilities it entails. They continue their journey towards the village, an unusual duo bound by a shared destination.   As they continue their journey, the sky gradually darkens, ominous clouds gathering overhead, hinting at an approaching storm. Yi feels the urgency to reach the village quickly but is hindered by Hongmi's slower pace in his oversized sandals. His concern for their timely arrival wars with his duty to ensure her safety.   After making their way through the dense forest, which seemed to stretch on endlessly, Yi and Hongmi finally emerge into an expansive open area. Before them lies a vast expanse of farmland, uniquely distinguished by lotus paddies. The landscape is a harmonious blend of flooded fields with fully bloomed lotus flowers, their pink and white petals open to the sky, and patches of harvested areas where only the tall, slender stems remain.   To Yi's astonishment, upon seeing the lotus paddies, Hongmi's entire demeanor shifts. A burst of uncontained joy overtakes her, and she slips out of the oversized sandals, rushing towards the nearest paddy. Her feet gently splash in the shallow water, causing ripples to spread across the surface.   Yi, caught off guard by her sudden elation, quickly picks up the sandals and follows her on the intertwining path between the paddies, barely a meter wide of packed earth. The lotus plants stand tall around them, their large leaves rustling in the gentle breeze. The air is filled with Hongmi’s playful and melodic laughter, resonating in the open space like music. She weaves through the lotus stems gracefully, occasionally reaching down to let her fingers glide over the water's surface, leaving a trail of ripples in her wake. Her golden anklets reflect playfully in the water, even as the sky becomes more overcast.   “Yi, come join me!” she calls back to him, her voice echoing a playful challenge.   Yi navigates around the paddies, keeping himself out of the water but within range of Hongmi. “Hongmi, we should keep moving,” he calls out, his voice tinged with a restraint that is gradually weakening.   “Just a moment more, Yi! Isn’t it beautiful here?” she responds, her laughter harmonizing with the serene surroundings.   “Yes, it’s… a beautiful sight.” His voice seems distant, almost lost amid the enchanting environment and the rapid beating of his heart.   As they finally leave the lotus paddies, Hongmi’s laughter continues to resonate in the air, a lingering melody of playfulness. She reaches out, touching his arm more openly now, her flirtatiousness apparent and unreserved. "Wasn't that just delightful?" she says, her eyes sparkling with amusement.   Yi feels a tumult of sensations engulf him, his disciplined monk’s training clashing with the raw, human desire stirred by Hongmi’s presence. He recalls the Head Priest’s advice to prepare for the unexpected, realizing just how apt it was.   As they walk, Hongmi continues to elicit smiles from Yi, her jovial demeanor contrasting with his inner turmoil. He wonders about her, her flirtatious nature raising questions and doubts in his mind. Her familiarity with such interactions seems at odds with the life he has led, adding to the enigma that surrounds her.   Yi contemplates these thoughts silently, unable to fully dismiss or voice them. His time at the temple had not prepared him for an encounter like this, leaving him unsure of how to navigate the complexities of their interaction. The possibility that she belongs to a world vastly different from his own was both intriguing and unsettling.   Eventually, the path leads them to a signpost pointing towards one of the footbridges to the village. The relief Yi feels upon seeing the sign is palpable, offering a brief respite from the storm brewing within him and the one threatening in the sky above. They are close to their destination, but the journey, both physical and emotional, is far from over.


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Jan 12, 2024 15:02 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Intriguigly written story. Thanks for sharing and entering it into the Special Category! God bless and much success with your New Year's plans! <3

Jan 19, 2024 19:44 by Ann (Pistachio)

Thank you!~ You as well
