BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!

Chapter 14: Path to the Veiled Peaks

The pre-dawn greets Yi with a sky still weeping, though its tears are lighter. The world outside is washed in a gentle hue, the rain a soft melody. As he stretches, he eyes the baskets that are leaning in the corner of the room, still empty and untouched since he unloaded them upon his arrival. He gently reminds himself that this is the last day he can delay before retrieving the lotus roots; he needed to get back to the Temple and he still wanted to see his mother.   He takes his clothes from the line where they are drying, and a strange feeling washes over him. Suddenly he feels as if someone were watching him, not completely alone. His eyes scan over the items in the room, and he confirms that everything is in its place. As he fastens the robe, he checks to make sure he is still in possession of the journal, which lies tucked in the bag.   He shakes off the feeling and prepares his possessions for the day: in the bag he places a few provisions for the journey (the leftover zongzi and the persimmon), the journal, the fan, and the remaining seal papers with the stub of ink, well, and brush. He also takes his water gourd and walking stick. The other items he leaves in the room to retrieve later and stores them inside one of the baskets.   Before he leaves, he notices something new placed on the table. It's a bracelet made of wooden beads, with one solitary polished cinnabar bead standing out among them. Attached to it is a note from Han: "For protection on your journey. The wood is from a tree struck by lightning. May it provide you protection and peace of mind." Yi feels a deep sense of gratitude and he slips the bracelet onto his wrist, its weight a comforting reminder of Han’s thoughtfulness. He passes his fingers over a few of the beads, feeling the slight grooves from the lightning bolt. He wonders to himself which tree was struck as he heads towards the door.   Hongmi joins him outside the guesthouse, her eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and apprehension. Their destination, shrouded in myths and veiled by the persistent mist, beckons them with the allure of unanswered questions and hidden truths. Yi relays what he was able to learn from Han, and also the evasiveness of the other villagers when he delivered the seals. Hongmi nods pensively, furrowing her brow just slightly as she attentively listens to what Yi says.   "Well, I guess we won't know what awaits us until we get there. At least part of the way there is not considered dangerous!" she responds optimistically, the arch of her closed eyes forming half-moons. Yi finds her positivity at such little information reassuring, and he feels he has been able to help her with this request at least.   Yi concludes, "we should be able to reach the mountain in a little under half a day, and I've brought some provisions. We can be back before nightfall if we move quickly."   Hongmi nods, and with that, they set off. Leaving the guesthouse, they step into the muted world outside. The village, with its quaint houses and narrow paths, seems to whisper farewells as they pass. The mist, hangs low as they departure, licking their ankles and cheeks with beads of moisture.   As they walk through the village, Yi is struck by a wave of melancholy. The rain-soaked streets, the quiet houses, and the distant, mist-covered fields all seem to bid him a silent, sorrowful farewell. The large willow tree, barely visable in the shroud, slowly waves to him. He cannot shake the feeling that the village, with all its mysteries and unspoken words, will not be the same when he returns. It's as if he is leaving behind a piece of himself, a chapter that will close forever. A chill runs up his spine as his neck drips with dew.   Once outside the village, they travel in silence for a while, as the early exhaustion leaves their bodies. Yi pensively chews on one of the zongzi, offering the other to Hongmi, who refuses stating she ate before joining him. The path leading away from the village progressively becoming rougher and less defined. Yi notices that, although a chill still lingers in the air, the cool Autumn rain does not seem unpleasant to Hongmi's feet, quietly pattering in the moistened earth on their path.   The mountain pass, as per the journal's cryptic descriptions and Han's information, lies to the north of the village. Yi leads, even in his haste his steps are measured and cautious, his senses heightened. He recalls snippets from the journal – tales of guardians, spectral figures, and strange animals that constantly hunger. These stories, once mere words on a page, now pulse with the possibility of becoming their reality.   However, the forest around them seems quiet save for the rain, almost eerily so. No birdsong or howl of beasts, and barely the rustle of leaves. There is a slight tension that hums in the air, almost as if their presence is acknowledged but being avoided. Yi peers at Hongmi, who is smiling slightly and walking joyously, her arms swinging a bit wide and the golden rings dancing on her wrists. He brushes off the feeling of unease after seeing her in such a calm state. If she could traverse this forest without fear, so could he.   As they walk, the world around them fades into a blur of greys and greens. The path becomes nearly discernible, and Yi finds himself starting to slow with exhaustion from not-so-gradual incline. To keep steady, he finds himself following the swaying crimson cloth of Hongmi's dress farther into the mist, as she has now passed him.   "I think we're getting close..." her voice beckons ahead.


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