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Edict of Temporal Unity

A document to change time itself

The Edict of Temporal Unity, issued in 19 RE (Republic Era), was a groundbreaking document that established the official Calendar of the Namorian Republic. This edict fundamentally altered the way time was measured and recorded in the Republic, effectively rewriting history and shaping the future of Namorian society.

Historical Context

Prior to the establishment of the Republic, timekeeping in the Kingdom of Namoria was inconsistent and subject to the whims of ruling monarchs. The last kings of the Illyridar Dynasty were known to manipulate the calendar for political gain, leading to widespread confusion and regional discrepancies in dating.   The formation of the Namorian Republic in 1 RE brought with it a desire for standardization and unity. However, the process of establishing a new calendar was fraught with challenges, taking 19 years of intense debate and negotiation before a final version was agreed upon.

Key Features of the Edict

  • Structure - The edict established a calendar of 8 months, each containing 45 days, with a 5-day Solstice period at the year's end.
  • Divine Representation - Each month was named after one of the eight gods of the Namorian pantheon, reflecting their aspects and perceived influence.
  • Weeks - The document defined a 9-day week.
  • Leap Year - Every 16 years, a special 9-day Solstice would be observed to align the calendar with the solar year.
  • Era Designation - The edict retroactively designated the year of the Republic's founding as year 1 of the Republic Era (RE), with previous years marked as Before Republic Era (BRE).

Significance and Impact

The Edict of Temporal Unity had far-reaching consequences for Namorian society:
  • Political Unity - By standardizing timekeeping across the Republic, the edict helped forge a sense of national unity and identity.
  • Religious Balance - The inclusion of all eight gods in the calendar months struck a delicate balance between secularism and religious tradition.
  • Economic Standardization - A consistent calendar facilitated trade and economic planning across the Republic.
  • Historical Record-Keeping - The new system allowed for more precise dating of historical events, though it posed challenges in converting pre-Republic dates.
  • Cultural Shift - The edict reshaped daily life, religious observances, and cultural practices throughout the Republic.

Challenges and Controversies

The implementation of the new calendar was not without its difficulties:
  • Religious Resistance - Some religious leaders feared a diminishment of their influence and the erosion of traditional beliefs.
  • Regional Disputes - Different factions lobbied for favorable placement of certain gods' months to align with regional interests.
  • Cultural Conservatism - Many citizens, especially in rural areas, resisted changes to long-standing traditions and festivals.
  • Logistical Hurdles - The transition to the new system required significant effort in education and administration.


The Edict of Temporal Unity stands as a testament to the Namorian Republic's commitment to progress and unity. Its effects continue to be felt 345 years after its implementation, shaping the way Namorians—and many beyond their borders—conceptualize and record time.   The document not only changed the course of Namorian history but also provided a foundation for a more cohesive and forward-looking society. It remains a powerful symbol of the Republic's break from its monarchical past and its embrace of a unified future.
Decree, Governmental
Vellum / Skin
Signatories (Organizations)


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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