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Karidan Deepdweller

The Deepdweller is a legendary cryptid believed to inhabit the depths of the Gulf of Karida, a body of water located in the northern regions of Orynthia. The creature is often depicted as a colossal, monstrous entity with an assortment of tentacles and formidable teeth. In some variations of the lore, it is portrayed as a serpentine creature. The myth of the Deepdweller has evolved over time and has influenced local maritime culture and folklore.


The myth of the Deepdweller describes a gargantuan sea creature that resides in the murky depths of the Gulf of Karida. According to legend, the creature has a myriad of tentacles and a mouth lined with razor-sharp teeth. It is said to be capable of dragging entire ships under the water and devouring sailors. In some stories, the creature is more serpent-like, with a long sinuous body that coils around ships, crushing them before dragging them beneath the waves. The Deepdweller is also believed to have the ability to manipulate the weather, causing fierce storms to rise suddenly within the gulf. Sailors would offer tributes to the Deepdweller in hopes of ensuring safe passage through the gulf's waters.

Historical Basis

The legend of the Deepdweller likely originated from the hazardous conditions in the Gulf of Karida, which include sudden storms and whirlpools. Ancient mariners navigating these treacherous waters would tell tales of the creature as a way to explain the unaccounted disappearances of ships and sailors. Some historians speculate that sightings of large marine animals such as whales or giant squid may have contributed to the birth of the Deepdweller legend. However, there is no conclusive evidence or historical documentation to confirm the creature's existence.


Over time, the myth of the Deepdweller spread beyond the local region and became an integral part of maritime folklore throughout Orynthia. The creature has been featured in various songs, stories, and artworks. Some apocryphal tales have even imbued the Deepdweller with mystical powers or portrayed it as a guardian of hidden undersea treasures. Modern renditions of the legend sometimes portray the Deepdweller as a protector of the marine ecosystem against human exploitation, especially from the invading Namorian Republic.

Variations & Mutation

The myth of the Deepdweller is diverse, with several variations existing among the different communities around the Gulf of Karida and beyond.
  • Guardian of the Gulf - In one of the variations, the Deepdweller is considered the ancient guardian of the Gulf. In this tale, it is depicted as a benevolent being that only becomes wrathful when the sea is polluted or overfished.
  • Treasure Keeper - Another variation portrays the Deepdweller as a hoarder of sunken treasures. According to this version, the creature collects the wealth from sunken ships and protects a vast trove of riches in its lair deep within the Gulf.
  • The Cursed Serpent - In a different tale, the Deepdweller is described as a colossal sea serpent that was once a human prince. Cursed for his arrogance, he was transformed into a serpent and banished to the depths of the Gulf.
  • The Storm Bringer -  There is also a version where the Deepdweller is believed to have control over the weather. It is said that it can summon storms and fog to conceal its movements as it preys on the ships.
  • Olaf and the Frozen Gulf -  This variation is a more modern tale, where a brave sailor named Olaf encounters the Deepdweller during an unusually harsh winter when the Gulf of Karida is frozen over. In this tale, the Deepdweller is depicted as having icy tentacles and the ability to move under the ice.

In Literature

  • "The Depths of Karida" - This is a classic novel that tells the story of a group of adventurers who set out to find the lair of the Deepdweller and the treasures it is believed to guard.
  • "Olaf and the Frozen Gulf" - A popular sea shanty that recounts the tale of a sailor named Olaf who attempts to cross the Gulf of Karida during winter. It serves as a cautionary tale, warning of the Deepdweller's presence beneath the icy surface of the Gulf.
  • "Songs of the Sea" - A collection of poems that includes several pieces dedicated to the Deepdweller, often romanticizing its mysterious nature and the allure of the unknown depths of the sea.

In Art

  • Mariners' Tribute - In many coastal towns along the Gulf of Karida, there are statues and carvings of the Deepdweller on the prows of ships. These are often tributes from mariners seeking the creature's protection or favour during their voyages.
  • Deepdweller Murals - Several seaside settlements have murals and frescoes that depict the Deepdweller in various scenes, often in battle with brave sailors or seen as a guardian protecting marine life.
  • “Embrace of the Depths” - A famous painting that portrays a dramatic scene of the Deepdweller, with its tentacles wrapped around a ship. The painting is renowned for its vivid colours and evocative representation of the mighty sea creature.
  • The Cursed Prince Statue - In one of the towns near the Gulf, there is a statue depicting the cursed prince version of the myth, where the Deepdweller is shown in half-human, half-serpent form, symbolizing his transformation.
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Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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