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Printing technology in the Namorian Republic has had a profound impact on the dissemination of knowledge and the shaping of society. Originating from humble beginnings with wooden blocks, the advent of the printing press revolutionized the spread of information, leading to transformative changes in the Kingdom of Namoria. This article explores the development of printing technology and its role in the transition from a monarchy to the Namorian Republic.

Social Impact

The dissemination of information through the printing press played a significant role in the transition from a Kingdom to the Namorian Republic. As the technology flourished, it empowered individuals with access to ideas and knowledge. However, the religious groups and the monarchy, threatened by this newfound freedom, attempted to suppress and regulate the usage of the printing press. Despite their efforts, the spread of the technology was unstoppable, coinciding with a decline in the monarchy and other pivotal events. The printing press became a catalyst for change, ultimately leading to the civil war and the establishment of the Republic Era in 1RE.
Access & Availability
In the present day, books remain relatively rare and predominantly found in the libraries of the affluent or public archives. Illiteracy remains prevalent among the population, but those fortunate enough to possess literacy skills can expand their minds through access to books. The formation of the printers' guild has brought some regulation to the printing industry, while images and illustrations have gained importance alongside textual information. The printing press has enabled the efficient bureaucracy of the Namorian Republic to thrive, shaping the course of the nation's history and offering glimpses of enlightenment to those who have the means to pursue knowledge.

Early Innovations

Around 180 BRE (Before Republic Era), an innovative method of printing using wooden blocks emerged. Initially, this technique faced slow adoption due to the arduous nature of travel and the limited spread of ideas. Despite the difficulty of utilizing woodblocks, most people in the Kingdom of Namoria continued with traditional script-based copying methods.

The Invention of the Printing Press

In approximately 122 BRE, an entrepreneurial spirit within the Duchy of Acathi sought a better method of printing. This led to the invention of "typing" and the development of an early form of the printing press. However, these advancements remained localized to the region. The sack of Acathi in 118 BRE during the Hanaan invasions disrupted progress, causing the printing press to be lost temporarily. Nevertheless, the idea spread as refugees fled the chaos, carrying fragments of knowledge with them.

Rediscovery and Adoption

In the aftermath of the second Hanaan invasion, which resulted in the sack of the city of Namor in 66 BRE, a scholar stumbled upon an old handwritten scroll recounting the story of the advanced printing press. Driven by curiosity, the scholar embarked on a quest to locate the remnants of the lost technology. Eventually, fragments of smaller characters and printing blocks, along with a design document, were discovered. This time, it was the guilds that learned of the technology and spearheaded its revival, leading to widespread adoption and development.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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