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Rat Cant

Rat Cant is a written language and cipher used predominantly by the rat handlers of Namor. Known for its complexity and variation, it provides a level of security and discretion for messages transported by the city's rat couriers.

Structure and Variations

Unlike standard languages, Rat Cant is not universally understood, even among the rat handlers. Its structure and variations depend largely on the individual or group of rat handlers who developed them. Some handlers or handler associations create their own unique Cants, often in an effort to maintain anonymity and prevent others from deciphering their messages.   Common Rat Cants exist, used for simple messages or known to the general populace of Namor. However, most handlers pride themselves on crafting Cants that are as intricate and undecipherable as the city's maze-like sewers.

Lost Cants and Miscommunication

Given the nature of Rat Cant and its variability, the risk of losing a Cant due to the death of its creator is a real and common occurrence. Deciphering these lost Cants becomes a nearly impossible task, leading to countless messages lost in the annals of Namor's history. Moreover, misunderstanding or misinterpretation of a Cant can also lead to considerable confusion or, in worst cases, grave errors. This issue is prevalent when a rat handler is tasked with conveying a message written in a Cant they're not familiar with.

Dual Meanings and Complexity

The most cunning Cants employ dual meanings, showing the creativity and skill of the rat handlers. These Cants appear straightforward to a casual reader familiar with Rat Cant, but they hide a deeper, often entirely different, message decipherable only by those who know the specific Cant.

Cost and Usage

Due to the complexity involved, writing in Rat Cant is a service that doesn't come cheap. Expert rat handlers, particularly those skilled in crafting or deciphering complex Cants, can command high prices for their services. A note sent without a Cant is considered a sign of foolishness and amateurishness in the world of rat handlers. Even the most basic messages are always encoded to some extent, and the cost of such encryption is always factored into the handler's service fee. Namor City Authorities and Rat Cant The complexity and secrecy of Rat Cant has not escaped the attention of Namor city authorities, who have undertaken numerous attempts to decode and understand this peculiar language. These endeavors, however, have been largely met with limited success.

Deciphering Rat Cant

The city guards, responsible for maintaining law and order, have a vested interest in deciphering Rat Cant. By understanding the secret messages passed through the city's rat couriers, they hope to curb criminal activities and other clandestine operations. However, the individuality and constant evolution of the Cant has proven to be a significant barrier.   Despite employing code-breakers and scholars, the authorities have only been successful in decoding older, simpler Cants, which are rarely used in current times. The most intricate Cants, especially those with dual meanings, remain an enigma to them.

Political Intrigue

Interestingly, political dynamics within the city have also interfered with these attempts. The ability to send untraceable, undecipherable messages is a valuable asset for politicians, especially those involved in delicate negotiations or less savory activities. Consequently, there have been instances where attempts to break a Cant by the city guards have been subtly thwarted or diverted by the city's political class.

Archival and Academic Interest

While the current, active Cants remain largely undecipherable to the city authorities, older and out-of-use Cants have been documented and stored in the Namor City Archives. These Cants, no longer a threat to the city's security, serve as historical records and linguistic puzzles for scholars.   Academics and linguists are often found poring over these documents, trying to unravel the mysteries of Rat Cant. Their studies have provided invaluable insights into the evolution of the language the rat handlers.

Rat Cant Challenges and Unintended Revelations

Rat Cant Puzzles

It is not uncommon to see some handlers indulge in showcasing their prowess. Driven by pride in their undecipherable Cants, these handlers often set up challenges for the public. They post coded messages on city noticeboards, promising rewards or treasures to anyone who can crack the code. The messages usually bear the handler's signature logo or sigil, an audacious display of their skills.   While this could garner them additional income from the impressed or desperate who need messages delivered in a Cant that has publicly proven its security, it also increases their notoriety. This occasionally results in people attempting to track them down, either for their services or to expose them to the authorities, adding an extra layer of thrill to the game.

Authority Rewards and Unintended Revelations

Parallel to the challenges set by the rat handlers, city authorities and historians occasionally post copies of captured or discovered coded notes on noticeboards, offering rewards for successful translations. These efforts are primarily aimed at gathering intelligence and cracking newer Cants, but they also inadvertently serve as entertainment for the city's residents.   One such instance that has entered the annals of city lore involved the inadvertent revelation of a politician's secret affair. The politician, in an attempt to save money, had employed a handler who used a relatively simple, well-known Cant to convey the love letters. When the authorities found one of these notes and posted it on the noticeboard, an eager bystander was able to translate it, revealing the politician's affair and his terrible poetry skills to the city. This episode served as a humorous reminder of the perils of skimping on a good rat handler and has since been a popular cautionary tale in the city.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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