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Striker is an enigmatic and solitary figure known for his time spent aboard the ship, the Rook, under the command of Captain Young. His origin is shrouded in mystery, but due to certain physical features, it is widely speculated that he may be of Kep'Dhori descent. Striker does not conform to the usual structure of a ship's crew; he is not paid a regular wage and instead contributes through skills such as hunting, tracking, and fishing, earning him an essential, if unconventional, place on the vessel.  

Nautical Wanderlust

Striker's nomadic spirit is as profound as the ocean depths. As a transient passenger of the Rook, he often joins and leaves the ship according to his whims. Striker's seemingly spontaneous comings and goings might puzzle many, but those aboard the Rook have come to accept this as an integral part of his enigmatic persona.   Most other ships and crews view him with suspicion, often misinterpreting his transient lifestyle as the behavior of a stowaway. The Rook, however, offers a different perspective. Striker is considered a cherished guest, a good luck charm of sorts. The crew understands that as long as the vessel continues to sail to unexplored locations, Striker will likely remain a constant presence.   This understanding was underscored by a noteworthy event when Striker left the ship for an extended period. After six months of sailing to various locations, the crew was astounded when Striker reappeared and rejoined them many miles from where they had parted ways. Whether this reunion was a result of careful planning or mere chance remained a mystery, but it reaffirmed the bond between Striker and the Rook.   Despite his fondness for the Rook, Striker's desire to wander has led him to work with other crews on occasion. Yet, his preference always seems to gravitate back to the Rook. Recognizing this, the ship's captain and crew ensure that Striker is always informed about their next destination. Their mutual understanding, respect, and fascination have fostered a unique relationship between Striker and the Rook—one that's as unpredictable as the sea itself.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Striker is a picture of robust health and adaptability. His sun-weathered skin speaks of many hours spent outdoors, and the numerous scars that mark his body tell stories of past encounters and experiences. Despite his potentially advanced age, he displays remarkable agility and strength, defying conventional expectations. His lithe body and nimble movements speak of a lifestyle that demands physical exertion and skill.

Body Features

Striker is of average height, with a lean and muscular frame honed by years of physical activity. His skin is dark, resembling the people of the Dhor'kar desert, further hinting at his speculated Kep'Dhori ancestry. His bald head adds to his unique physical appearance and is a distinct feature that sets him apart. His face, though marked by time and weather, remains expressive and enigmatic.

Physical quirks

Striker's most notable physical quirk is his swift and fluid movements. His nimbleness and agility, especially for a man who could be as old as fifty, are striking and serve as evidence of his adept survival and hunting skills. His reflexes are notably sharp, and he displays a level of physical awareness that is far beyond the nor. This leads to debates among the crew about his age, which Striker keeps well away from.

Apparel & Accessories

Striker's apparel is as simplistic as his lifestyle. He dons practical clothing, designed for utility over aesthetics, with a preference for durable and weather-resistant materials. He carries a simple sack, presumably containing personal belongings, a water bottle, and a few essential tools. Among these tools are a couple of knives, well-maintained and sharp, used for hunting and fishing. Despite his minimalist approach to personal possessions, each item he owns is well-cared for and serves a specific purpose.  

Special Possessions

Striker has one particular item that he seems to treasure - a makeshift necklace he wears constantly. Unlike his other trinkets that come and go, this necklace has stayed with him over the years. It's a simple string of leather cord, adorned with a unique collection of beads, teeth, and small bone fragments, presumably collected from his hunts and travels. Each piece appears to hold some personal significance for Striker, although he has never explained their origin or meaning. The necklace serves as a sort of living journal of his wanderings, with new items added and old ones given away as he journeys from place to place. Despite its rudimentary nature, the necklace holds an aura of mystery and intrigue, much like Striker himself.  

Trade & Gifts

Striker is known to craft other, similar trinkets during his travels. He has a knack for turning ordinary objects into captivating pieces of art. Using feathers, bones, shells, and other natural materials, he creates small pieces of jewellery like necklaces and bracelets. He rarely keeps these items, often trading them for necessities or gifting them to those he encounters. These trinkets, like the man himself, are seen as good luck charms by many who receive them. They are regarded as tokens of friendship from a man of few words, making them treasured keepsakes for the recipients.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Striker's past is a subject of much debate and speculation among the crew of the Rook. His distinct features, notably his lithe and nimble frame, quick reflexes, dark skin, and sun-weathered, scar-covered appearance, have led many to believe he may hail from the Dhor'kar desert, potentially of Kep'Dhori descent. His estimated age ranges anywhere from 30 to 50, and he has been known to the crew of the Rook for approximately a decade.   His method of boarding the Rook and subsequent engagements with the crew have only added to his enigmatic persona. Striker seems to operate on his own schedule, appearing and disappearing from the Rook as he pleases, with no clear pattern or reasoning. Despite his irregular attendance, he is always welcomed back onto the ship due to his valuable skills and generally cooperative attitude.

Gender Identity

Striker's gender identity aligns with what most societies would label as male, based on his physical appearance and the pronouns he responds to. However, he seems largely unconcerned with societal norms or labels and does not actively conform to any conventional masculine roles or behaviors.


When it comes to sexuality, Striker remains enigmatic. He has never shown interest or disinterest in any gender, seemingly indifferent to the concept of romantic or sexual relationships. It's unclear whether this lack of interest stems from asexuality, a personal preference for solitude, or a cultural belief or value that he has yet to express. Nonetheless, his aura of self-containment and self-sufficiency remains strong. His interpersonal interactions focus on camaraderie and shared experience rather than any form of intimate connection. In a sense, his sexuality, much like the rest of his life, seems to be guided by his personal philosophy of detached exploration and observation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

While Striker may not seek traditional recognition or accolades, his achievements are undeniable in their own unique way. As a hunter, tracker, and fisherman, his skills have proven invaluable to the crew of the Rook on countless occasions. His uncanny ability to produce food seemingly out of nowhere, whether in the form of a fresh catch or a hunted game, has earned him the respect and appreciation of his shipmates. His navigation skills, though not frequently used, have also contributed to the success of the Rook's voyages.   Despite his solitary nature, his acceptance and integration into the Rook's crew are seen as significant achievements by those who know him. His presence is viewed as a good omen, with some crew members attributing the Rook's safe passages to Striker's presence.

Morality & Philosophy

Striker's moral code and personal philosophy are as enigmatic as the man himself. His actions suggest a respect for nature and an appreciation for the simplicity of life. He appears to shun material wealth, placing value instead on experiences, exploration, and the journey itself. His interactions with the crew suggest a deep respect for individual autonomy, maintaining a courteous distance and not interfering in their personal affairs. His relationship with the ship's Kep'Dhori quartermaster, while cordial, maintains this same respectful distance, reinforcing the Kep'Dhori taboo against interfering in personal lives.


Given his presumed Kep'Dhori background, Striker adheres to the cultural taboo of non-interference in others' personal lives. This is reflected in his interactions with the crew and particularly with the ship's Kep'Dhori quartermaster. Striker also seems to have his own personal taboos, including a disinterest in the ship's cat and an apparent aversion to participating in general crew discussions unless they pertain to his interests.

Personality Characteristics


Striker's motivations remain largely a mystery to those around him, as is the case with many aspects of his life. However, his consistent passion for travel, exploration, and his seemingly insatiable curiosity suggest a drive to experience the world in its entirety. He appears unconcerned with wealth or personal gain, instead seeking the thrill of the journey and the satisfaction of survival and self-sufficiency.

Likes & Dislikes

Striker clearly values solitude and the open sea, indicating his love for freedom and self-determination. He enjoys the challenges of survival, including hunting and fishing. It's evident he dislikes confinement and interference, often choosing to isolate himself when on board. He also shows a particular dislike for the ship's cat, though the reason for this remains unknown.

Virtues & Personality perks

Striker's virtues are evident in his actions and conduct. He is a competent survivalist, possessing a wide range of skills that contribute to the Rook's crew. His respect for personal boundaries and his non-intrusive nature have earned him the crew's acceptance. Striker's discipline and self-reliance are also noteworthy.

Vices & Personality flaws

For all his virtues, Striker is not without flaws. His preference for isolation can sometimes border on aloofness, and his communication skills are minimal at best. His disinterest in material wealth and conventional societal structures is often viewed with suspicion, especially by those who are not accustomed to his ways.


Despite his rugged lifestyle and minimalist approach to possessions, Striker maintains a good level of personal hygiene. His survival skills likely extend to personal care in the outdoors, and the crew of the Rook has never reported any concerns about his cleanliness. He is well-kept and exhibits a respect for personal cleanliness, further contributing to his acceptance among the crew.


Religious Views

Striker's religious views, much like his motivations, remain largely a mystery. His silence and solitude make it difficult for others to gauge his beliefs. He doesn't openly participate in religious rituals nor does he show obvious signs of devotion to any known deity. However, his deep respect for nature and the sea might suggest a form of naturalistic or animistic worldview, though this remains speculation.

Social Aptitude

Striker possesses a unique skill in mimicry, capable of replicating the sounds and movements of both animals and humans with uncanny precision. This ability is not only a testament to his keen observational skills but also suggests a deep understanding of the behavior and characteristics of various creatures. His ability to mimic animal sounds and movements comes in handy during hunting and foraging trips. He can replicate the calls of different birds, the rustling of small mammals, and even the soft, padded footfalls of larger predators. This skill helps him blend seamlessly into the wilderness, allowing him to get close to prey or avoid detection by potential threats.   In human interactions, Striker uses mimicry in a different manner. He often imitates the mannerisms of crew members, a behavior that can range from humorous jest to a subtle sign of respect. When done in jest, it is typically an exaggerated and playful portrayal, capable of inducing bouts of laughter from those watching. However, Striker only indulges in this with individuals he genuinely likes or respects. When imitating someone as a sign of respect, his mimicry is more subdued, careful, and often only recognized by the person he's imitating. In both cases, it's a form of social interaction, one of the few ways the enigmatic Striker engages with those around him.   Despite his solitary nature, these instances of mimicry demonstrate Striker's ability to form connections in his own unique way.


Striker's mannerisms are as minimalistic as his speech. He moves with a quiet grace and efficiency that speaks volumes about his years spent living close to nature. He often gazes into the distance, seemingly lost in thought. He rarely makes eye contact, but when he does, his piercing stare is intense and unsettling, suggesting depths of experience and knowledge beyond the ordinary. One consistent habit he exhibits is his nightly observation of the stars, where he quietly sits on the deck and watches the sky for hours.

Hobbies & Pets

As a solitary figure who shows little interest in possessions or relationships, Striker doesn't have any pets. However, he displays a clear fondness for wildlife. He is often seen sharing his meals with birds, and his hunting is always done with respect for the animal. He will only kill for food, not for sport, and uses every part of the animal, leaving nothing to waste.    His primary hobby appears to be exploration. He thrives in the excitement of arriving in new lands and experiencing their unique environments. He also shows a peculiar interest in cartography, and is often seen sketching rough maps in the sand or on scraps of parchment.


On the rare occasions when Striker does speak, his voice is soft yet clear, almost melodic. His choice of words tends to be concise and deliberate. He doesn't engage in casual conversation or idle chatter, and his comments are typically direct and related to immediate practical concerns. His accent or dialect does not easily place him within any known region, adding to the enigma of his origins. However, his ability to understand the crew suggests familiarity with their language.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney
Character Portrait image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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