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The Divine Sap of the Chule Lizard

A Blessing from the God of Order

Under Harnar's watchful eye, there exists a substance of such perfect order that it defies the very chaos of decay. This miraculous sap, produced by the sacred Chule Lizard of the Acathi Peninsula, is surely a gift from Harnar himself, the great god of order and stability in our pantheon.

The Nature of Harnar's Gift

When the blessed Chule Lizard expels this sap, it transforms with a swiftness that can only be divine. Upon contact with air, it hardens into a substance more enduring than the oldest stone, more clear than the clearest crystal. This rapid solidification is seen as a manifestation of Harnar's will, imposing order upon the chaotic fluidity of the liquid.   Water, that agent of erosion and decay, holds no power over it. Even the strongest vinegars and corrosive liquids that eat through metal cannot mar its perfect surface. Truly, it is a substance of perfect order, unchanged by the chaotic elements that surround it.

Nornar's Touch: A Vessel of Timelessness

It is said that Nornar, the aspect of Harnar who governs fate, has blessed this sap with the power to preserve. That which is encased within it remains unchanged, untouched by the ravages of time. Insects, leaves, even the flesh of small creatures remain as fresh as the day they were enshrined within the sap's eternal embrace. It is as if Nornar himself has decreed that time shall not pass within this perfect ordered space.

The Perilous Harvest

To obtain this gift of Harnar is no simple task, for the Chule Lizard guards its sacred sap jealously. Those brave souls who seek to harvest it must face great peril, for the lizard's aim is as true as Harnar's justice. Its sap, when striking the eyes, brings eternal darkness. Upon the skin, it forms an unbreakable shell that can only be removed as the skin beneath slowly sheds away.   Many have lost their sight or been encumbered by the hardened sap in their quest for this precious substance. It is for this reason that Harnar's gift remains a rarity, its value exceeding that of gold in the eyes of many.

Uses Blessed by Harnar and the Gods

The uses of this divine sap are manifold, each application a testament to its miraculous nature:
  • Preservation of the Sacred - Holy relics and precious artifacts are entombed within the sap, protecting them from the corruption of time for eternity.
  • Sealing of Mystical Essences - Alchemists and apothecaries prize the sap as a seal for their most potent concoctions. Jars sealed with the sap are said to preserve their contents for a hundred lifetimes.
  • Shu's Still Breath Preservation - Perhaps the most critical use of the sap is in the mystic art known as "Shu's Still Breath." This method of preservation involves sealing a jar with the Chule Lizard sap, creating a space entirely devoid of Shu's life-giving essence (air). Items preserved in this manner are said to last for eternity, untouched by even the slightest breath of decay.
  • Adornments of the Immortals - Jewelry crafted with the sap is highly prized, for it holds within it perfect flowers or insects, a beauty that will never fade.
  • Bonds Unbreakable - As an adhesive, the sap creates bonds stronger than any mortal alloy, used in the construction of our most sacred temples to Harnar.
  • Guardian Against the Elements - Applied to wood or cloth, the sap forms an impenetrable barrier against rain and flood, protecting our homes and ships from the chaos of the elements.

The Mystery of Its Nature

Though our wisest scholars and most devout priests have studied Harnar's gift for generations, its true nature remains a divine mystery. Some believe it to be solidified order itself, while others claim it is a manifestation of Nornar's control over fate and time. Whatever its true essence, the sap of the Chule Lizard remains one of the greatest blessings bestowed upon us by Harnar and his aspects.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using MidJourney


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Aug 11, 2024 16:30

I really like the idea, it reminds me a bit of resin that trapped insects millions of years ago and became amber. I like how you incorporated the culture's ideas that it must be something divine into your article and the many uses. However, I would have liked to have included a few quotes or anecdotes from the lives of your inhabitants that tell such a story to give your article even more credibility.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.