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The Eight Pillars

The virtues of the Namorian Republic

The Eight Pillars of the Namorian Republic are foundational principles and values that underpin the functioning and ethos of the Republic. Each pillar is representative of an aspect that is considered essential for the prosperity and progress of Namor.
  • Pillar of Merit - Meritocracy and Valour - This pillar embodies the belief in recognizing and rewarding individuals based on their abilities and achievements. It is closely linked to the military culture of Namor, emphasizing courage and service as virtues.
  • Pillar of Guardianship - Citizenship and Protection - This pillar symbolizes the privileges and responsibilities that come with citizenship. It emphasizes the protections afforded to citizens under the law, and the expectation that citizens will defend and uphold the values of the Republic.
  • Pillar of Liberation - Militaristic Liberation - The Republic sees itself as a liberator, fighting against tyranny and feudal systems. This pillar reflects the mandate to wage wars for the freedom of oppressed peoples and integrate them into the Republic.
  • Pillar of Voices - Democratic Representation - This pillar emphasizes the importance of representation and participation in governance, albeit for citizens. The democratic election of Voicebearers in the Chamber of Voices is seen as a manifestation of this principle.
  • Pillar of Justice - Justice and Law - This pillar signifies the rule of law and justice in the Republic. It ensures that laws are applied fairly, although with an acknowledgment that citizens are entitled to additional protections.
  • Pillar of Ascension - Civic Virtue and Ascension - Encapsulating the avenues through which non-citizens can attain citizenship, this pillar upholds the values that are deemed worthy of recognition and integration into the core of Namorian society.
  • Pillar of Unity - Provincial Subordination - This pillar reflects the centralized nature of the Republic, where the provinces, while having some autonomy, are subordinate to the decisions and governance from Namor City. It signifies the importance of unity under a centralized authority.
  • Pillar of Harmony - Religious Tolerance and Secularism - As the Republic distances itself from the religious monarchy of the past, this pillar stands for the acceptance of diverse religious beliefs while maintaining the separation of religion and state.
The Eight Pillars are not only philosophical but are also represented by eight literal pillars in the Hall of Eight Pillars, where the Octarchy convenes. Each physical pillar is adorned with engravings and symbols representing the principles they stand for.   Often, similar pillars exist in public buildings, governors palaces and public spaces around the Republic.


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson created using MidJourney


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