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Tullendor Anahar (a.k.a. Tull)

"Like a candle's flame, knowledge can light the way; but wielded as a torch, it can also consume."
- Tullendor Anahar, Eclipses of the Soul
Tullendor Anahar, commonly known as Tull, was a renowned philosopher, spiritual leader, and the founder of the religious movement known as the Followers of Tull. He was born in the city of Thessanar, located in the Near Mundalodem region of the Namorian Republic.

Original Works and Treatises

  • "The Tapestry of Consciousness": In this seminal work, Tull Anahar explores the concept of a universal consciousness that is in a constant state of learning and evolving. He delves into the interconnectedness of all living beings and the role that experiences play in the growth of the universal consciousness.
  • "Wanderings of the Heart": This is a travelogue-cum-philosophical text wherein Tull recounts his travels and the experiences that shaped his thoughts. The work is revered not just for its philosophical insights but also for its poetic language and vivid descriptions.
  • "The Rivers of Experience": In this treatise, Tull uses the metaphor of rivers to explain the flow of experiences and how they enrich one’s soul. He explains how experiences, both good and bad, should be embraced as they ultimately merge into the ocean of universal consciousness.
  • "Harmony in Diversity": A philosophical work focusing on acceptance and tolerance among diverse cultures and belief systems. Tull emphasizes the importance of understanding and embracing differences as integral to the growth of consciousness.
  • "Eclipses of the Soul": One of Tull’s later works, this book delves into the dark aspects of human nature and society. It reflects on the misuse of knowledge and power and contains cryptic warnings about an impending calamity.

Subsequent Collections and Commentaries

  • "The Collected Teachings of Tull Anahar": Compiled by Anisar Halum, a devoted follower, this work is an anthology of Tull's writings, lectures, and sayings. It aimed to bring together his varied contributions in a single volume and remains a widely-read book among the Followers of Tull.
  • "Bridging the Visions: Early and Late Teachings of Tull Anahar": A scholarly work by historian and theologian Melis Relur, this book attempts to reconcile the differences between Tull's early and later teachings and provide a cohesive interpretation of his philosophies.
  • "Reflections on the Eclipses of the Soul": A commentary by Jorand Elarin, a philosopher of the Followers of Tull, who critically analyzes Tull's "Eclipses of the Soul". Elarin delves into the cryptic nature of the text and offers interpretations of Tull’s warnings and prophecies.
  • "Tull’s Path: A Guided Journey Through His Works": This work, authored by a collective of Tull’s followers, serves as a guide for newcomers to his teachings. It offers a structured approach to understanding Tull's philosophies and includes exercises for personal reflection and growth.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tull was described as a tall and slender man, with sharp features and piercing blue eyes that seemed to take in everything around him. He had a long flowing beard, streaked with grey as he aged, and long hair which he often tied back. He preferred simple garments, often adorned with patterns and symbols representing his philosophical beliefs, and often wore a fire opal broach.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Tull was born into a family of scholars. His father was a historian, and his mother was a linguist. His early life was marked by a voracious appetite for knowledge. He spent much of his youth in the vast libraries of Thessanar and was known to engage scholars and travellers in discussions to learn about the wider world.

Philosophy and the Formation of the Followers of Tull

During his travels, Tull developed his own philosophical system, which would later form the foundation for the Followers of Tull. He proposed the idea of a Universal Consciousness, from which individual consciousnesses split off at birth. He taught that the purpose of life was to gain experiences and knowledge, which would then be returned to the Universal Consciousness upon death. Tull's teachings attracted a large following. He encouraged his followers to embrace a balance of beliefs, with some focusing on the alleviation of suffering, others seeking knowledge, and yet others exploring new horizons.

Later Life and Teachings

Towards the end of his life, Tull's teachings took a more somber turn. He expressed concerns about the misuse of knowledge and power by states and institutions. His later teachings focused on warnings and predictions of potential catastrophes that could befall societies that misuse knowledge for oppression.   The exact reasons for the change in his teachings are not well-documented, and theories range from personal experiences to encounters with entities from the Namorian Republic.

Gender Identity

Tull Anahar, the revered philosopher and spiritual guide, maintained a rather enigmatic aura surrounding his sexual identity and preferences. Amongst the Followers of Tull, his teachings were paramount, and his personal life was considered to be a facet that did not impinge upon his wisdom and spiritual insight. Nonetheless, it is understood from historical accounts and records that Tull embraced a fluid concept of sexuality. He believed that relationships and bonds were integral to the human experience and were to be cherished irrespective of conventional norms. While there is no explicit mention of his own relationships or sexual orientation in surviving texts, it is widely speculated that he might have engaged in relationships with both men and women. In the wider ethos of his teachings, Tull promoted acceptance and open-mindedness, encouraging his followers to seek fulfilling and meaningful connections that transcended societal constraints and enriched their tapestry of experiences.


Tull was educated at the prestigious University of Thessanar, where he studied a variety of subjects, including philosophy, history, and natural sciences. After completing his education, he began teaching at the university. However, his restless spirit eventually led him to leave his teaching position to travel throughout the continent of Theron, seeking further knowledge and understanding of the world.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Founding a Spiritual Movement - One of Tull Anahar's most significant achievements was the establishment of the Followers of Tull. His teachings, rooted in the pursuit of knowledge and experience, resonated with many, leading to the formation of a spiritual movement that continues to thrive centuries after his demise.
  • Philosophical Contributions - Tull was a prolific writer and philosopher. His works, which include extensive treatises on the nature of consciousness and the human experience, are considered to be seminal contributions to philosophical thought.
  • Humanitarian Efforts - Tull was known for his compassion and worked tirelessly for the welfare of the disenfranchised. He established several humanitarian initiatives, including shelters and educational centres, which provided relief and support to the less fortunate.
  • Promotion of Tolerance and Acceptance - His teachings emphasised the importance of acceptance and open-mindedness. Tull played a crucial role in fostering a culture of tolerance and mutual respect among the diverse communities of his time.
  • Enhancement of Cultural Exchange - Tull’s wanderlust led him to travel extensively. Through his journeys, he facilitated cultural exchanges among various regions, contributing to the enrichment of arts, literature, and traditions.

Failures & Embarrassments

  • Controversial Late Teachings - Towards the end of his life, Tull's teachings became increasingly cryptic and were perceived by some as being incoherent or inconsistent with his earlier philosophies. These late teachings were considered controversial and led to divisions within the Followers of Tull.
  • Perceived Hedonism - Tull’s emphasis on experiencing pleasures as part of human growth was often misunderstood and criticised. He was at times labelled a hedonist, and his followers were accused of indulgence in excessive pleasures, which occasionally brought disrepute to the movement.
  • Inability to Prevent Sectarian Split - Though Tull's initial teachings were unifying, his later works and the subsequent interpretations by different factions within the Followers of Tull led to a sectarian split. His inability to foresee or prevent this split was considered by some as a failure on his part.
  • Personal Solitude - Despite his achievements and the respect he garnered, Tull experienced personal loneliness and a sense of isolation later in his life. His focus on the larger consciousness and human experience left little room for close personal relationships, which he regretted in his later years.
  • Unclear Succession Plan - Tull did not leave behind a clear succession plan for the leadership of the Followers of Tull. This led to power struggles and further division among his followers after his passing.



He was known for his measured speech and a deep, calming voice. His mannerisms were gentle, and he often made thoughtful gestures while speaking. Tull possessed a sense of innate charisma and was known for his ability to captivate audiences during his discourses.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
191 RE 262 RE 71 years old
Quotes & Catchphrases
  • "In the tapestry of existence, each thread of experience weaves the Universal Consciousness closer to understanding."
  • "To wander is to be one with the world; in every step, a whisper of knowledge awaits."
  • "The rivers of our thoughts flow into the vast ocean of the collective mind. Let the waters be clear and pure."
  • "To seek balance is the essence of wisdom; for in the union of light and shadow, the true self emerges."
  • "He who hoards knowledge dims his own light; he who shares it becomes a beacon in the night."
  • "In every seed of kindness sown, a garden blooms within the soul."
  • "The echoes of our deeds reverberate through the ages; let us craft symphonies, not dirges."
  • "When the weight of sorrow bends the willow, let the heart be the stream that feeds its roots."
  • "In the crucible of adversity, the alchemy of the spirit forges unyielding resolve."
  • "Avarice and power may build empires, but it is compassion and wisdom that forge civilizations."
  • "Like a candle's flame, knowledge can light the way; but wielded as a torch, it can also consume."
  • "The edifice of society stands not on the pillars of authority but on the bedrock of shared purpose and virtue."
  • "Heed not the voices that sow discord, for harmony arises from the chorus of diverse songs."
  • "The footprints we leave in the sands of time speak to who we were; let them guide future steps to higher paths."
  • "To embrace the unknown is to dance with the stars; every twirl a discovery, every step an adventure."
Aligned Organization


The Encyclopaedia
Divines, Spirits and their Realms
The Atlas
Chronicle of War
The Almanac

Cover image: by tarkinlarson using Midjourney


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