Garret Redleaf

Garret Redleaf

Garret Redleaf was born in Waterdeep, and to his knowledge has never strayed far from the walls. He was raised by his Father, taught and trained in the ways of con-artists, performers and 'entertainers'. The Halfling child first started out trying 'honest work', gaining employment on market stalls, shops and cafe's. Though each time he was eventually kicked out or had his hard earned coin swiped from his hands. Now fully turned to a life of 'showmanship', Garret makes his living by greeting newcomers to the City, touring them around the streets, showing them sights and the best places to eat, whilst 'reaching out' for tips at the end. He also tells vibrant stories, plays a variety of instruments and performs card tricks and occasionally reads fortunes.   A couple months ago, whilst traversing the alleys and scrounging for 'potential', Garret came across a weirdly made staff with a skull on the top. Having a flair for 'eccentric' outfits the Halfling grabbed it for himself. However after a few days of walking the streets with it, he began hearing a whisper from it...and soon those whispers turned into stories in his ears. As confused and weirded out as he was, Garret decided to go for a gamble and began using a few of the stories and the 'advice' being spoken by the Skull, and his scams were successful! Soon though, he began realizing that at times his voice seemed to cause 'things' to happen. Such as people becoming disorientated when he called out to them, or others becoming bolstered, even illusions started sprouting out. Now he's slowly coming to grips with these new 'gifts', and trying to figure out how he can use them.
Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
Mirtul 25th
Muddy brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Light Ivory


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