Frostdunes Stalker

Frostdunes Region

A particularly sinister breed of winter fae. Believed to have once been elves, these creatures' have been twisted into nightmares. It is said that their ancestors made a pact with the Winter Queen herself in a desperate attempt to save a dying tribe from the worst winter in memory. A bargain was struck for immortality and immunity from winter, but the price were their pure elven souls. Now, these creatures stalk the steppe on every full moon, seeking revenge for their fate on any living creature they can find.  

Basic Information


Alleric To Iron
Fae are allergic to iron, touching the metal burns them like fire. They are also violently allergic to Cold Iron, and will avoid touching it at almost any cost.  
Allergic to Sunlight
Stalkers are allergic to sunlight. If caught outside after dawn, they are instantly destroyed.
Scientific Name
Monster, Winter Fae
Snow Elf
Geographic Distribution
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