Tursano Frostbeak Species in Tienthylandria | World Anvil

Tursano Frostbeak

Tursano Highlands Region

Frostbeaks are a beautiful and terrifying sight. These enormous birds are absolutely ferocious when encountered in the wild.  

Basic Information


Flightless Bird
While its wings certain seem big enough, the Frostbeak is unable to fly. Their enormously muscular legs make them far too heavy. However, they can use their wings to glide over short distances or to slow a descent down a hill or mountainside.

Genetics and Reproduction

Like all raptor species, Frostbeaks are hatched from large eggs. As is the custom with most northland species, their metabolism depends on the cold. Nests are typically made as high up as possible, and surrounded by snow and ice.

Growth Rate & Stages

Frostbeaks mature at the same rate as most raptors. They will go from hatchling to a full adult in about thirty months, or at the end of their second winter. Females are ready to lay their eggs approximately six months later.

Ecology and Habitats

Frostbeaks breed, nest, and hunt in the Tursano Highlands. They are prolific wanderers though, and can be spotted by eagle-eyed bird watchers all over the Northlands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Frostbeaks are carnivores. They eat smaller animals like squirrels, fish, and even smaller birds. They are not carrion birds, but if they are hungry they won't turn their beaks up at a fresh corpse.


The Frostbeak avoids humanoid species as much as possible. They are popular prey for hunters, poachers, and animal trainers. Generation of being pursued has taught them to stay out of reach, and to fight to the death when they are found.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation


If you can hatch a Frostbeak in captivity, it can be trained as a companion. Once they reach full maturity, they can become mounts.   Frostbeaks are loyal companions, willing to die to protect their rider. If they lose their rider, they will mourn briefly but are able to take on another in time. They cannot be released into the wild, however. They are easy prey for predators without a caretaker, especially to their feral cousins.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
Beast, Bird
40 - 60 years
Average Height
3 - 4.5 meters
Average Weight
127 - 300 kg
Average Length
1.3 - 2.4 meters
Geographic Distribution
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