Zombie Curse

Transmission & Vectors

The zombie curse is transmitted when the living is scratched or bitten.


The Arcane College theorizes that the curse was created ages ago by a necromancer as a means of replacing undead troops in battle. When their forces engaged the living and were destroyed, those injured in the battle would turn within a day or two. They would in turn curse their former comrades, and in half a week the forces lost in the initial battle would replaced by those that slew them.


A healthy victim could go their entire lives without realized they were cursed. Only through divination, or upon severe illness or death would the signs be visible.    During onset of the final stages before death, a victim will present with pallid skin, shallow breathing, lethargy, and vomiting.


A simple curse-breaking potion or ritual is sufficient. Must be performed before death. Once a victim dies, and the curse takes full effect, they cannot be cured.

Affected Groups

Almost all living creatures on Tiethylandria have the potential to be cursed.


Do not let them break your skin.


Once a cursed corpse reanimates, it dispays a ferocious hunger for their own kind. This rapidly leads to others being mortally wounded (and cursed), who then also turn and attack, and so on.

Cultural Reception

The cursed are generally treated like any other patient, so long as they aren't in immediate threat of dying.
Chronic, Acquired