The Lazarazi curse Myth in Tierrhya | World Anvil
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The Lazarazi curse


The curse is a favourite among parents as it is often used to scare children into sleeping. A child out of bed, specifically during winter is said to result in the destruction of ones family. Known as the Lazarazi curse, coined by the King Razi the 3rd.

Historical Basis

The myth is derived from a historical account roughly 1800 years ago. Prince Razi the 3rd had been living under the eye of his step uncle. Razi’s father, Razi the 2nd died with a mysterious illness on a night of the winter solstice. The prime suspect was believed to have been an old man aged around 80. He went by the name of Erebas. He was known to be a tall man and was famous for his hideous golden eye. It has been said that Erebas worked as the cities fortune teller and would travel house to house for his prophetic messages. A day came when he had knocked on the little prince’s door as a child, yelling a prophetic message so loud that it was heard all the way in the servant’s quarters.
Hear ye! Hear ye!
Only one shall rule in winters breath, the plague of ice and blizzards death.
White sheets of comfort and soothing rest, chaos and destruction for this family crest.


King Razi the 3rd ruled over north Azaad for over 80 years! He is the longest reigning monarch Azaad ever had  in recorded history. His mysterious death is extremely well known and documented. It wasn't long until the south of Azaad learnt about this from the tongue of King Razi (the son) himself, whilst on a trip to meet with King Werid.

Variations & Mutation

Many people have tried to continue on the prophecy by writing their own, the most notable would be:
Set alight north and south.
Fire and blaze where people shout.
No one to smile, no one to sough.
Oh! When will my children learn and know!
Anti Razi movements also have a slight difference. They believe that King Razi the 2nd's killer is in fact the prince himself! They replace the old man's narrative with Razi the 3rd.

Cultural Reception

Many parents love narrating this story and rhyme to their kids if they are particularly naughty or have trouble sleeping at night and they found this to be in fact very effective.

In Literature

There have been a wide variety of books looking to disprove this 'curse', mostly by those who despised the Razi dynasty. However, King Razi has tried to counter these claims in his autobiogrpahy called Razi: Nightmare and reality.

In Art

There has been numerous paintings to depict this 'Erebas' figure, some have drawn him to be a blind old man and others go as far as drawing him as a demon like figure.
Date of First Recording
I>A 630
Date of Setting
I>A 688

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