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Republic of Stapseia

The Republic of Stapseia is a state of Tieryon that is located to the south of the Bretford Empire, the north of Harlowia and to the west of the Dymebian Empire


The population of the Republic of Stapseia is diverse, including all sentient species of Tieryon. Poverty is low, even in rural areas. The diety that most rever is Cosmonias, the goddess of commerce and law, but there is freedom of worship in Stapseia and all deities are recognized.


The Stapseian Republic is a government with elected officials. All elections are by majority. The figurehead of the republic is the President. However, much like the US government, there is a checks-and-balances system to lawmaking. All inhabitants of Stapseia can vote, regardless of citizenship. However, they must provide proof of address.

Industry & Trade

The lands of Stapseia are fertile and well-maintained. The Ardanach Mountains in the north of the state contains large deposits of essential minerals. Occassionally gemstones are found, as well. The largest industries in the Republic of Stapseia are hunting, crafting, farming and mining. Poverty rates are low and even manual labor jobs are well-paid.


The name Stapseia comes from the original monarch ruling family that established the borders during the Age of Queens. The Republic of Stapseia transitioned to a democratic state following the successful rebellion of in the year 558 of the Age of Monarchs. After an electoral government was established, Roth and Harlowia followed suite by also establishing a democratic government.


Grasslands cover the majority of the Republic of Stapseia, with tall grasses that boast deep roots within fertile soil. Some of the grasslands have been cleared for farming. The Ardanach Mountains are the northern border of the state. The southern portion of the state is covered in deciduous forest, hosting many native fauna species.

Natural Resources


  • Iron
  • Copper
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Cruaidhite


  • Maize
  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Canola


  • Apple
  • Plum
  • Peach
  • Fuzzy Apple
  • Bearmelon
  • Dearcag
Alternative Name(s)
approx. 60k
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization

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