Aetherius Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe
  Aetherius, a deity of neutral good alignment, once embodied the essence of purity, symbolized by a shimmering crystal radiating pure light—an emblem of untainted virtue, benevolence, and the divine force that sought to illuminate the realms with unblemished goodness.   In the era preceding the realmswar, Aetherius stood as a beacon of hope and purity, guiding mortals toward virtuous living. Temples dedicated to Aetherius were sanctuaries of pristine serenity, where followers sought to emulate the radiant purity embodied by their benevolent deity.   Tragically, the realmswar cast a dark shadow upon Aetherius. As the malevolent forces of evil sought to upset the balance, the purity radiating from Aetherius became a target. In the midst of celestial warfare, Aetherius faced overwhelming opposition, and the once shimmering crystal dulled, its light fading in the face of malevolent onslaught.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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