Alchemist in Timeuria | World Anvil
BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


In your youth, you were drawn to the wonders of alchemy, captivated by the potential hidden within the natural world. It wasn't until a seasoned alchemist, visited your village that your true journey began. They recognized your innate talent and took you as an apprentice. Under their guidance, you learned the delicate art of potion-making and the deadly craft of creating poisons. During your training, you stumbled upon an ancient alchemical books, hinting at powers long forgotten.   Skill Proficiencies: Arcana, Nature   Tool Proficiencies: Alchemist's Supplies, Poisoner's kit   Languages: One of your choice   Equipment: A set of Alchemist's Supplies or Poisoner's kit, a vial of a basic healing potion or a vial of basic poison, a pouch containing 15 gold pieces, a set of common clothes and a small journal with alchemical notes.   Feature: Alchemical Network   Your reputation among alchemists allows you to participate in exclusive gatherings or conferences. Attendees often share knowledge, trade rare ingredients, and discuss the latest advancements in alchemical arts, providing you with a valuable network of contacts. Your interactions with fellow alchemists have forged bonds of camaraderie. You can call upon these connections to gain insights into local alchemical circles, locate rare ingredients, or even secure a temporary laboratory space.   Suggested Characteristics   In a world where magic and science converge, Alchemists exhibit a spectrum of traits, from meticulous attention to detail to a more carefree and experimental spirit. Their individual quirks may range from a tendency to keep secrets to a bold and adventurous nature, with occasional missteps driven by their relentless pursuit of discovery  

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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