Aric Darkthorn Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Baron Aric Darkthorn

Being the eldest son of Chancellor Derrick Darkthorn, Aric has a huge set of shoes to fill. To top that off his sister is Wardeness of Dreadstone and considered to be one of the most powerful magic users of this era, and definitely the strongest within the Darkthorn bloodline all the way back to Tereza Darkthorn. This leaves Aric always striving to make great accomplishments of his own so he can step out of their shadows.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Aric grew up in the Darkthorn manor in Duskwood and attended the Thornwood Academy. He graduated top of his class, just as his sister and father did before him. He spent most of his early years face down in books trying to gain any advantage over his sister to show that he was the better Darkthorn. This rivalry between him and his sister drove both of them to become stronger as a result.   Aric became one of the premier minds in the study of the arcane arts. With his position now as headmaster of the Thornwood Academy he receives all manner of requests on lost knowledge on the mystical and arcane.


Aric had an excellent education, having his father and sister for mentors as a child and as he grew older having personal tutors to further his studies. Once he reached the age where he could go to school he attended the Thornwood Academy, as is Darkthorn tradition.   He struggled with being compared to his older sister Rowena a lot during school as she was leagues above the others within the walls of the academy at the time. He would constantly get scolded by teachers for not being able to do spells his sister could. Where he did excel was with the history of magic within Stoze and the rest of Timeuria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

With Aric's masterful knowledge of the entire history of magic within Timeuria he became an asset for the Academy. He started teaching history of magic at the academy and eventually became the Headmaster at the prestigious school.   Through his studies he has uncovered several forgotten ancient spells and rituals. He has also uncovered alchemical almanacs and added his own notes and findings to them to create a compendium of knowledge for anyone looking to create powerful potions. It is known as The Dead Garden.

Personality Characteristics


Aric's sole ambition is to prove that he is the best magic user to ever live. Stronger than any one of house Darkthorn, Lockridge or Freespell. With this single driving focus, all distractions are removed and Aric is slowly closing the gap in strength between himself and his sister.
Current Location
Red, Long, Wavy
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, scar from his nose to one eye

Cover image: by AI generated using Nightcafe


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