Astralon Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe
  Astralon, a deity of chaotic good alignment, soared through the cosmic tapestry as the divine patron of astronomy and exploration. His essence was symbolized by a celestial telescope pointing to the cosmos—an emblem of boundless curiosity, discovery, and the benevolent force that guided mortals in their quest to explore the mysteries of the universe.   In the era before the realmswar, Astralon inspired mortals to gaze beyond the horizons, fostering a spirit of adventurous exploration and a deep appreciation for the vastness of the cosmos. Temples dedicated to Astralon were observatories of wonder, where followers sought to understand the celestial dance above.   During the tumultuous realmswar, Astralon's divine influence became a source of hope and inspiration for those who yearned to escape the ravages of conflict. The celestial telescope, once a beacon of exploration, became a symbol of guidance for those seeking solace in the heavens.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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