Bane Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe
  Bane, a deity of lawful evil alignment, harnessed the power of fear as one of the orchestrators behind the Realmswar—a malevolent conflict that plunged the realms into chaos. His essence is symbolized by a black right hand, an emblem of dominance, manipulation, and the calculated force that fueled his ambitions. As a mastermind of the Realmswar, Bane sought dominion over multiple realms. His escape from initial judgment set the stage for a relentless pursuit of power, manipulating the course of events from the shadows.   Temples dedicated to Bane were shrouded in darkness, where followers embraced fear as a tool of control. The black right hand adorned these places, serving as a chilling reminder of the deity's influence over the realms.   Bane's insatiable quest for dominance ultimately led to his demise. Sha, Levistus, and a group of adventurers rose against the Lord of Fear, striking a decisive blow that put an end to his dark ambitions. The black right hand, once a symbol of terror, became a testament to the triumph of those who dared to stand against the tyranny of fear.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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