Corus Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe
  Corus, a deity of neutral good alignment, presided over the domain of invention, his essence symbolized by gears interlocking within a radiant lantern—an emblem of creative ingenuity, progress, and the divine force that fueled the spark of innovation in the realms.   In the era before the realmswar, Corus inspired mortals to delve into the realms of invention and discovery, fostering a culture of technological progress and imaginative exploration. Temples dedicated to Corus were workshops of innovation, where followers embraced the divine art of crafting and invention.   As the realmswar unfolded, Corus became a guiding light for those seeking technological solutions to the challenges posed by the malevolent forces. The gears within the radiant lantern turned with increased fervor, driving inventors and engineers to create ingenious contraptions that could aid in the cosmic conflict.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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