Drachoer of the lost Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Drachoer of the lost

by AI generated using Nightcafe
  In the aftermath of the Realmswar, the once-mighty Drachoer, God of Guidance and Navigation, was believed lost, his divine essence scattered and weakened to the brink of nonexistence. Many mourned him as one of the fallen gods, his temples abandoned, and his name fading from the lips of worshippers.   Drachoer found himself adrift in the enigmatic realm known as The Lost Plane, a vast and infinite expanse where the forgotten and missing gods lingered in a state of cosmic limbo. There, in the echoes of lost whispers, Drachoer's weakened presence struggled to find purpose and meaning.   Amidst the emptiness, a persistent voice cut through the silence—a Warlock, driven by unwavering faith, called upon the lost god. Through consistent prayers, the Warlock sought to rekindle the belief in Drachoer, spreading his teachings and establishing new churches across the realms. In the void, Drachoer's awareness stirred as the echoes of devotion reached him.   Inspired by the Warlock's unyielding belief, Drachoer began to answer the call. Slowly, his divine power started to rekindle, like a distant star regaining its brilliance. The Warlock's actions became a catalyst for the god's resurgence, and as faith in Drachoer spread once more, so did his strength. Through the collective efforts of the Warlock and the renewed faith of followers across the realms, Drachoer's power blossomed anew. The once-lost god emerged from the shadows of obscurity, fully restored and ready to guide mortals through the turbulent seas of life.   Drachoer's return marked not only a personal triumph but also a testament to the resilience of belief. His followers, once scattered and disheartened, found new purpose in the revitalized teachings of the Lost God. Drachoer, now known as the Guiding Light, continues to watch over those who navigate the uncertainties of existence, offering his divine guidance to those who seek it. The Warlock's unwavering faith had not only saved a god from oblivion but also left an indelible mark on the tapestry of divine history.

Holy Books & Codes

The celestial guidance of Drachoer is chronicled in the "Navigarium Manuscripts," ancient scrolls that illuminate the principles of navigation, wayfinding, and the spiritual journey. Sailors, wayfarers, and seekers of the lost, known as Navigants, study these manuscripts to unravel the divine wisdom embedded within the currents of the cosmos.

Tenets of Faith

Navigants adhere to the tenets of perseverance, exploration, and the symbiotic relationship between the seeker and the guiding hand of Drachoer. The teachings emphasize the importance of finding one's path, both in the physical and metaphysical realms. Navigants strive to embody qualities of resilience, adaptability, and a deep connection to the guiding winds that lead them through the vast expanse of existence.  
Escape-itus 33:20 But He sssssaid, “You cannot sssssee My face, for no man can sssssee the Lossssst and live!”
Tink, Warlock of the Lost

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Drachoer's divine goal is to offer solace and direction to those lost in the labyrinth of life. Navigants are entrusted with the task of navigating not only the seas but also the intricate pathways of destiny. The god inspires his followers to embrace the spirit of exploration, fostering a world where the lost find their way and the seekers discover the hidden treasures of existence.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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Dec 13, 2023 19:25

Escape-itus 33:20 But He sssssaid, “You cannot sssssee My face, for no man can sssssee the Lossssst and live!”