Dragon's Needle Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Dragon's Needle

High atop the craggy peaks that pierce the sky across Timeuria, a rare and mystical flower unfurls its petals—the Dragon's Needle. This elusive blossom, with delicate petals resembling the teeth of a dragon, grows in the most treacherous and remote mountain ranges, bestowing upon it an air of otherworldly allure. Legend has it that the Dragon's Needle only reveals itself in places where the veil between the mortal realm and the mystical is thin. Its discovery is a feat in itself, as those who seek its blooms must navigate perilous cliffs and face the biting winds that sweep through the lofty altitudes where it thrives.   The petals of the Dragon's Needle carry a mesmerizing array of colors, shifting from iridescent blues to fiery reds and yellows as the flower blooms under the harsh sun of the mountain peaks. The fragrance it exudes is a delicate blend of cool mountain air and a subtle hint of enchantment—a scent that captivates the senses and beckons those who dare to seek its elusive beauty.   In the realm of brewing, the Dragon's Needle is a coveted ingredient, known for imparting an ethereal energy to any libation it graces. The delicate essence is extracted through a meticulous process, with brewmasters carefully plucking the petals to harness its magical properties. When added to the brew, the Dragon's Needle introduces a touch of mystical energy that elevates the drink to new heights. It intertwines with other flavors, leaving behind a subtle and mysterious aftertaste that lingers on the palate, inviting those who partake to savor the essence of the mountain peaks where this elusive blossom calls home.
by AI generated using NightCafe

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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