Elandra Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe
  Elandra, a deity of neutral good alignment, assumed the role of a compassionate healer during the harrowing times of the realmswar. Her divine essence was symbolized by an open hand cradling a glowing heart—an emblem of boundless compassion, healing, and the benevolent force that sought to mend the wounds inflicted upon gods and mortals alike.   As the malevolent forces of the realmswar wreaked havoc, Elandra emerged as a beacon of hope and restoration. Temples dedicated to her became sanctuaries of healing, where clerics and followers worked tirelessly to mend the physical and spiritual injuries inflicted by the cosmic conflict.   Elandra's open hand cradling a glowing heart became a symbol of solace and rejuvenation, as she extended her divine grace to both gods and mortals in need. Her healing touch played a pivotal role in sustaining the defenders of the realms and nurturing the resilience required to withstand the malevolent onslaught.   However, the compassion Elandra offered did not go unnoticed by the malevolent forces. As she tirelessly worked to heal and restore, she became a target of the cosmic conflict. The malevolent gods sought to extinguish the source of benevolent healing, recognizing the threat Elandra posed to their malevolent ambitions.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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