Everroots Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Basic Information


The Everroots have adapted their bodies to blend into the forest that they reside in. They have a mutable shape and can even change their colors at will to become nearly indistinguishable from the native fauna. They don't have a clearly defined anatomy, and come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. Their overall appearance is heavily dependent upon the environment that they live in.

Genetics and Reproduction

Everroots don't follow a typical reproductive cycle. Instead when they reach their 200th Winter, they drop a seed that then carries their lifeforce and they begin their life cycle all over again. In order for them to restart the process another creature, usually one of the Everroots has to replant their new seed within a full moon cycle or their life ceases.

Growth Rate & Stages

Seedling - While in this vulnerable state they must be planted within a moon cylce in order to restart the life cycle. This stage takes anywhere from 1-2 years depending on environmental factors, such as sunlight, rain, and soil nutrients.   Sapling - The first time a Everroots goes through this process it can take 20 years or more for them to reach the mature stage. Each successive time this duration is shortened and some have been recorded to reach full maturity in 10 years or less.   Mature - Once they reach this stage they continue growing until they reach their 200th year in which they restart the process all over again.

Ecology and Habitats

Everroots prefer densely forested areas in general but they can be found all across Timeuria. From mountain ranges, to swampy areas and rivers and even desert environments. Anywhere fauna grow, so can they.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Everroots are omnivores, foraging the nearby environments for anything from berries to small beasts and even humanoids if they get close enough. Their metabolism is fairly slow as they tend to stay in one place for long periods of time only moving when necessary to refuel their bodies. They have tendril like appendages that they can extend to trap prey and hold them in place while they absorb their nutrients slowly over time.   In addition to the their ability to hunt and digest food they can also absorb nutrients through the soil when resources are slim, though doing so yields little energy and they must remain static in order to maintain to their caloric demands.

Biological Cycle

During the winters the Everroots will shed any leaves in colder environments and even change colors during the fall to blend in with their surroundings. This allows them to stay hidden and avoid detection during the changing seasons.


Everroots are completely solitary creatures, although they can communicate to one another through a network of plants and even will help plant another Everroots' seed in order to restart their life cycle. They were once a social creature but that made it harder to hide and they were hunted so they reluctantly seperated and now they only come together as part of a mutual agreement to protect their home and ensure their species lives on through their already low and endangered numbers.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The Everroots are completely deaf and rely solely on their supernatural ability to detect moving creatures nearby. They can also tap into the roots of nearby plants and communicate to each other.   Tremorsense, Blindsense

Civilization and Culture


It is uncertain exactly when or where the Everroots came from, however there are many legends and myths regarding their creation. What is known is that they have been around long before humans and the earliest records show them existing side by side with the primordials. They are also considered endangered and although the exact number remaining is unknown, to the best of our knowledge they began as a finite number of creatures. They will slowly dwindle down over time and eventually will be gone and lost forever.
by AI generated using Nightcafe
by AI generated using Nightcafe
by AI generated using Nightcafe
Scientific Name
Arborea Everroot

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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