Freespell Organization in Timeuria | World Anvil
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A venerable tree, its leaves adorned with intricate magical sigils, takes root in the emblem of House Freespell—a symbol of the greatest wizards to grace Timeuria. The motto, "Magicae vivit in aeternum" - Magic lives forever, encapsulates the essence of this prestigious family known for their profound mastery of arcane arts. Among the illustrious wizards, Falmir Freespell stands as a luminary, casting a legacy that transcends time.   The ancient tree, a conduit of magical energies, symbolizes the deep roots of wisdom and power that House Freespell draws upon. The leaves, each bearing magical sigils, evoke the family's unparalleled expertise in the arcane. As custodians of magical knowledge, the Freespells have shaped the course of Timeuria's history, leaving an indelible mark on the world. Their emblem stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of magic, forever intertwined with the name Freespell, where the arcane currents flow eternally through the veins of this revered family.

"Magicae vivit in aeternum" - Magic lives forever

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Family Leader

Articles under Freespell

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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