Golgothar Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using Nightcafe
  Golgothar, a deity of lawful evil alignment, asserted dominion over the realm of domination, his essence symbolized by an iron scepter crowned with chains—an emblem of oppressive control, subjugation, and the malevolent force that reveled in the absolute power to dominate all who crossed its path.   In the oppressive era preceding the realmswar, Golgothar's influence cast a shadow over mortals, enforcing a tyrannical order and bending the will of those beneath his dominion. Temples dedicated to Golgothar were citadels of fear, where followers bowed to the unyielding rule of their tyrant deity.   As the realmswar unfolded, Golgothar sought to expand his dominion, the iron scepter crowned with chains becoming a symbol of the malevolent force's unrelenting desire for control. The chains of oppression tightened, leaving mortals and deities alike in the suffocating grip of tyrannical dominance.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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