Grilmera Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Grilmera, a deity of lawful neutrality, presides over the realms of knowledge and logic. His divine essence is symbolized by a tattered book—a representation of the pursuit of wisdom, the meticulous gathering of information, and the unyielding adherence to logical principles.   As the guardian of knowledge, Grilmera oversees the accumulation and preservation of wisdom. His influence extends to scholars, seekers of truth, and those who strive to unravel the mysteries of the world through reasoned inquiry.   Devotees of Grilmera engage in scholarly pursuits, rigorous study, and contemplation of logical principles. Temples dedicated to the god often feature vast libraries and inscriptions of ancient texts, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the pursuit of knowledge.   In the realms touched by Grilmera's influence, the pursuit of wisdom becomes a sacred journey, where the tattered book symbolizes the eternal quest for understanding. His worshippers understand that in the meticulous organization of information and the adherence to logical principles lies a divine order, where the pursuit of knowledge reflects the essence of lawful neutrality.

Holy Books & Codes

The repository of Grilmera's wisdom is encapsulated in the "Eidetic Codex," a vast collection of philosophical treatises, logical analyses, and scholarly inquiries. Logicians, fervent followers of Grilmera, dedicate their lives to studying these texts, seeking enlightenment through the pursuit of knowledge, reason, and the understanding of the world's intricacies.

Tenets of Faith

Logicians adhere to the tenets of curiosity, intellectual rigor, and the pursuit of truth. Grilmera's teachings inspire followers to approach challenges with a logical mindset, valuing reason and critical thinking. Logicians strive to embody qualities of open-mindedness, intellectual honesty, and a commitment to unraveling the mysteries of existence.


The "Rational Revelry" is a contemplative celebration among Logicians, held during the month of Rid on day 5. Followers engage in philosophical discussions, logical debates, and scholarly exchanges to honor Grilmera's influence on the pursuit of knowledge. The festival serves as a reminder of the importance of intellectual exploration and the shared quest for understanding.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Grilmera's divine goal is to foster a world where knowledge is cherished, and the pursuit of wisdom is a shared endeavor. Logicians are entrusted with the task of promoting intellectual growth, preserving the accumulated wisdom of civilizations, and encouraging the exchange of ideas. The goddess inspires followers to contribute to the ever-expanding pool of knowledge.

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