Horndog Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Basic Information


Horndogs are small, furry creatures resembling a mix between a puppy and horned goat. They have soft, pastel-colored fur, large expressive eyes, and a pair of pointed horns on their heads. Their tails are long and fluffy, adding to their overall cuteness factor.

Genetics and Reproduction

Horndogs reproduce through a unique process called "joy bonding." When two horndogs form a strong emotional bond with one another, they enter a playful dance, releasing magical energies that create a new horndog pup. This process ensures that the offspring is born out of love and happiness.

Growth Rate & Stages

Newborn - In the earliest stages of the Horndogs life they are small and helpless, and even more adorable. They can't see or hear very well and can barely walk.   Puppy - They begin to resemble miniature versions of their parents, sprouting small horns from their heads and grow quickly, reaching adolescence within a few months. As they continue to age their horns grow longer eventually reaching the full length once they transition to adulthood at roughly 1-2 years.   Adult - The shapes of the horns are completely unique to the individual, with no two sets being identical, similar to a fingerprint. They are a representation of each horndogs personality and have shapes that reflect that.

Ecology and Habitats

Horndogs are typically found in areas where magic coalesces, within enchanted groves and magical meadows for example. They tend to create burrows where they sleep at night, sometimes even choosing to sleep in caves or in trees for cover instead.   They have also been domesticated in some regions of the world and bred over generations to become excellent companions. Their doscile nature and whimisical appearances make for an excellent pet.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Don't let their cute and cuddly looks fool you. These can be ferocious predators in the wild and they have been known to hunt in packs to bring down much larger prey. They are entirely a carnivorous species that mainly eats smaller animals, though they wont hesitate to take down bigger game if the opportunity presents itself.


The horndogs operate in large packs with an alpha that leads the group. The Alpha helps them find safety and food and has the first right to the kill once they achieve one. From time to time a younger horndog will challenge the Alpha, but this usually ends with the younger pup licking its wounds and the Alpha still in its position of power.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Horndogs have keen senses, particularly their sense of smell and hearing. They can detect the faintest scents and hear high-pitched sounds. Their large eyes allow them to see well in low light, making them adept at navigating dim environments.   Darkvision, keen hearing, keen smell

Civilization and Culture


The horndogs are thought to have originally been a cross breed between some fiendish creature and a normal dog from the material plane. No one knows exactly when this occurred but the first recorded appearance dates back to the middle of the Era of Balance.
by AI generated using Nightcafe

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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