Jozir Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Jozir, a deity of nefarious inclinations, presides over the domains of greed, alcohol, and dwarves. His alignment leans towards neutral evil, reflecting a darker side of dwarven culture, often entwined with the allure of wealth and intoxication. The symbol of Jozir is a jeweled dagger driven into a keg—an emblem that epitomizes the vices of greed and the revelry associated with alcohol. It serves as a stark reminder of the insatiable desire for riches and the intoxicating allure that can lead dwarves down a path of excess.   Jozir is a patron to those dwarves who embrace avarice, valuing material wealth above all else. He revels in the pursuit of precious metals, gems, and the treasures that lie hidden within the earth. Dwarves who succumb to the allure of gold and jewels often find themselves drawn to Jozir's dark influence. As the god of alcohol, Jozir encourages dwarves to indulge in the craft of brewing. Alehouses and taverns dedicated to him become centers of revelry, where the pursuit of wealth and the consumption of potent brews intertwine. His followers believe that the intoxicating concoctions are a means to attain spiritual elevation and bliss.   Jozir's influence extends to the subterranean realms where dwarves carve out their kingdoms. He whispers promises of untold riches and power to those who are willing to delve deeper into the earth, uncovering precious ores and stones that will satiate their insatiable greed. Dwarves who pledge themselves to Jozir often engage in dark dealings and treacherous alliances, seeking to amass wealth through cunning and ruthless means. The god's whispers guide them in forging alliances that serve their immediate interests, regardless of the consequences.   Jozir, though worshipped by those who seek to accumulate riches, demands a price for his favor. Those who succumb to unbridled greed may find themselves ensnared in a web of treachery, their fortunes a fleeting illusion that crumbles beneath the weight of their avarice. In the shadows of dwarven halls, Jozir's influence is both a blessing and a curse—a beacon for those who hunger for wealth and a harbinger of the moral compromises that come with such pursuits. The jeweled dagger driven into a keg serves as a testament to the dark alliances forged in pursuit of riches and the intoxicating allure of excess.

Holy Books & Codes

The indulgent desires of Jozir are chronicled in the "Gilded Codex," a lavish tome filled with verses on opulence, revelry, and the pursuit of wealth. Devotees, known as Goldseekers, consult these sacred texts to glean wisdom on the accumulation of riches and the celebration of life's pleasures.

Tenets of Faith

Goldseekers embrace the tenets of wealth accumulation, indulgence, and the pursuit of joyous excess. Jozir's teachings inspire followers to amass material wealth, revel in the pleasures of drink and merriment, and find fulfillment in the pursuit of opulence. Goldseekers strive to embody qualities of resourcefulness, revelry, and a keen eye for seizing opportunities for personal gain.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Jozir's divine goal is to foster a world where the pursuit of wealth and indulgence is celebrated. Goldseekers are entrusted with the task of amassing fortunes, reveling in the pleasures of life, and ensuring that the pursuit of wealth is embraced as a virtuous endeavor. The god inspires followers to live life to the fullest and revel in the abundance of material and joyful riches.

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