Kea Tree Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Kea Tree

This mystical tree, with its silvered leaves that shimmer like moonlight, is the source of the revered Kea Wood—an enchanted material that holds the secrets of both longevity and magical preservation. The Kea Tree, named after the ethereal birds that flit among its branches, is a rare and sacred species. The locations of these rare trees are closely guarded, known only to a select few who have earned the trust of an ancient druid tribe known as the Silvershade Enclave. The trees seems to resonate with an otherworldly energy, their roots entwined with the ley lines of Timeuria, creating a connection to the very essence of the magical realm.   The leaves of the Kea Tree are said to capture the ambient magical energies that permeate the air, creating a subtle glow that bathes the forest floor in an ever-present, soft luminescence. This natural enchantment has led to the belief that the Kea Tree acts as a guardian, a keeper of magical energies that weave through the land.   When it comes time to harvest the Kea Wood, the process is a delicate and sacred affair. The chosen artisans must seek permission from the Silvershade Enclave before carefully selecting branches that have matured fully. The wood is then expertly treated to preserve its magical properties, ensuring that it becomes a vessel for enchantment rather than a mere material.   In the realm of brewing, the Kea Wood is a prized resource. Its enchanted nature makes it the perfect material for crafting casks that not only preserve the integrity of the brew but also enhance its magical qualities. The wood imparts a subtle yet profound influence on the libations it cradles, infusing them with a touch of timeless magic.
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Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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