Krodea Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Krodea, a primordial god of chaotic evil alignment, embodied the malevolent forces of jealousy and envy, his essence symbolized by a single green eye with green flame—an emblem of covetous desires, spiteful yearning, and the malevolent force that sought to consume the realms with the poisonous emotions of jealousy.   In the primordial chaos that preceded the realmswar, Krodea's influence festered, feeding off the seeds of envy and jealousy sown among gods and mortals alike. His single green eye, aflame with toxic desires, became a symbol of the insidious influence that twisted the hearts and minds of those who succumbed to the allure of jealousy.   As the realmswar unfolded, Krodea's malevolent essence fueled the flames of discord, orchestrating the downfall of gods and mortals alike through the insidious power of envy. The green flame within his eye burned with intensity, casting shadows of distrust and resentment across the cosmic conflict.

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