Malificus Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Malificus, a deity of lawful evil alignment, wielded the dark arts of curses, his essence symbolized by a twisted wand releasing cursed energy—an emblem of malevolence, calamity, and the malevolent force that delighted in bringing misfortune with every incantation.   In the malevolent era preceding the realmswar, Malificus' influence cast a shadow of dread over mortals, as curses spread like a malignant plague, sowing chaos and calamity in their wake. Temples dedicated to Malificus were citadels of malevolence, where followers reveled in the power of curses to bend the fates of their enemies.   As the realmswar unfolded, Malificus reveled in the chaos wrought by his cursed influence, the twisted wand becoming a symbol of the malevolent force's insidious power to bring misfortune upon both gods and mortals. The cursed energy released by the wand left trails of calamity, a testament to the malevolence that accompanied each incantation.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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