Meen Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Meen, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, held dominion over secrets and deception, his essence symbolized by a veiled figure with a finger to its lips, surrounded by swirling shadows—an emblem of clandestine machinations, hidden truths, and the malevolent force that reveled in the art of deception.   In the shadowy era preceding the realmswar, Meen's influence spread like a web of intrigue, as secrets were hoarded and falsehoods were woven into the fabric of reality. Temples dedicated to Meen were enigmatic sanctuaries, where followers embraced the power of deception to manipulate the destinies of mortals and gods alike.   As the realmswar unfolded, Meen reveled in the chaos sown by whispers of deceit, the veiled figure with a finger to its lips becoming a symbol of the malevolent force's insidious influence. Swirling shadows concealed hidden truths and obscured the boundaries between reality and falsehood, leaving mortals and gods ensnared in a web of deception.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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