Meridian Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Meridian, a deity of neutral goodness, presides over the lush realms of forests, rangers, dryads, and the enchanting season of autumn. Her divine essence is symbolized by an hourglass with a star inside—an emblem of the eternal cycles of nature, the guiding light of the celestial, and the benevolent forces that weave through the woodland tapestry.   As the guardian of forests, Meridian fosters harmony between nature and mortal kin. Her influence is felt in the rustling leaves, the ancient groves, and the camaraderie between rangers and the creatures of the woodland realms.   Followers of Meridian engage in acts of conservation, protection of nature, and the fostering of harmony between mortals and the enchanted denizens of the forest. Temples dedicated to the goddess often feature symbols of the hourglass with a star, creating spaces where worshippers can commune with the benevolent forces of nature.   In the realms touched by Meridian's influence, the forests become sanctuaries of life, and autumn is a season of vibrant transformation. Her worshippers understand that in the preservation of nature and the embrace of the autumnal cycle lies a benevolent commitment to goodness, where the hourglass with a star symbolizes the eternal connection between the celestial and the woodlands.

Holy Books & Codes

The ancient wisdom of the natural world is enshrined in the "Arboreal Codex," a sacred tome that delves into the interconnectedness of forests, the harmonious coexistence of flora and fauna, and the symbiotic relationship between mortals and the wild. Devotees, known as Sylvan Guardians, turn to these sacred texts to deepen their understanding of nature.

Tenets of Faith

Sylvan Guardians embrace the tenets of environmental stewardship, the protection of forests, and the promotion of harmony between mortals and nature. Meridian's teachings inspire followers to revere the beauty of the natural world, act as protectors of the wilderness, and forge bonds with the creatures that inhabit the forests. Sylvan Guardians strive to embody qualities of empathy, adaptability, and a deep connection to the cycles of nature.


The "Harvesting Moon Celebration" takes place during the month of Meri on day 18. Sylvan Keepers gather in sacred groves to honor Meridian's blessings and express gratitude for the bountiful harvest provided by the forests. The festival is marked by communal feasts, enchanting music, and rituals that celebrate the cyclical nature of life and the abundance found in the forests during the autumn season.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Meridian's divine goal is to preserve the sanctity of forests, maintain the delicate balance of nature, and ensure the coexistence of mortals and the wild. Sylvan Guardians are entrusted with the task of safeguarding natural spaces, fostering alliances with woodland creatures, and promoting a harmonious relationship between civilization and the untamed wilderness. The god inspires followers to embrace their role as stewards of the natural world and to cherish the beauty of the forests.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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