Mourning Myrtle Species in Timeuria | World Anvil
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Mourning Myrtle

In secluded realms beneath the weeping boughs of Mourning Myrtle, the Dreamweaver's Tonic is a potion of ethereal connection. Crafted from the midnight tears of the sorrowful weeping willow, this elixir holds the ability to facilitate communication with lost loved ones in dreams and plays a pivotal role in sacred rituals dedicated to the goddess of dreams, Nerilee.   At the stroke of midnight, alchemists and dreamweavers converge beneath the cascading leaves of Mourning Myrtle, carefully collecting its tears. These precious droplets, infused with the weeping willow's melancholy, form the core essence of the dreamweaver's tonic. When imbibed, the potion opens a gateway to the dream realm, where conversations with departed loved ones unfold like fragments of forgotten memories.   Beyond its personal communion properties, the Dreamweaver's Tonic is integral to the rituals devoted to Nerilee, the goddess of dreams. In ceremonies seeking the goddess's guidance, favor, and the revelation of hidden truths through the language of dreams, devotees turn to this sacred elixir.   Nerilee, the Goddess who weaves dreams in the fabric of night, is believed to bestow visions and insights upon those who partake in the Dreamweaver's Tonic. The elixir serves as a conduit for divine communion, bridging the mortal realm with the ethereal landscapes of dreams.   Adventurers and seekers of the mystical often embark on pilgrimages to the enclaves where the Mourning Myrtle stands sentinel, and the Dreamweaver's Tonic holds the essence of dreams. In the rituals dedicated to Nerilee, this potion becomes a liquid thread, binding mortal aspirations with the whims of the goddess who reigns over the realm of dreams.
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