Nexar Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Nexar, a deity of chaotic evil alignment, stands as the embodiment of unbridled combat and the primal fury of barbarians. His divine essence is symbolized by a clenched fist holding bloodied weapons—an emblem of ferocious battle, chaotic violence, and the malevolent force that thrives on the chaos of the battlefield.   As the master of combat, Nexar revels in the chaos that ensues when warriors unleash their primal instincts in the heat of battle. His influence is felt in the savage cries of barbarians, the brutal clashes of weaponry, and the unrelenting pursuit of victory at any cost.   Devotees of Nexar engage in rituals that seek to invoke his chaotic and malevolent influence, embracing the primal fury of combat to achieve their dark desires. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of the clenched fist holding bloodied weapons, creating spaces where worshippers can revel in the chaotic force of unbridled violence.   In the realms touched by Nexar's influence, combat becomes a frenzied and malevolent force, leaving chaos and destruction in its wake. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of barbaric warfare lies a malevolent commitment to chaos and evil, where the clenched fist holding bloodied weapons symbolizes the ruthless and chaotic nature of battle.

Holy Books & Codes

The "Warrior's Codex" serves as the sacred scripture for followers of Nexar, detailing the principles of disciplined combat, the code of honor in battle, and the strength found in embracing one's barbaric instincts. Devotees, known as Bloodbound, turn to these martial texts to find guidance in the art of war, camaraderie, and the thrill of battle.

Tenets of Faith

Bloodbound warriors embrace the tenets of strength, honor in combat, and the primal connection to one's instincts. Nexar's teachings inspire followers to sharpen their combat skills, uphold a code of honor on the battlefield, and embrace the wild instincts within. Bloodbound strive to embody qualities of courage, camaraderie, and a commitment to self-discovery through the crucible of combat.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Nexar's divine goal is to cultivate a society of disciplined warriors who find strength in both the art of war and the primal instincts that fuel their barbaric prowess. Bloodbound are entrusted with the task of honing their combat skills, upholding honor on the battlefield, and fostering a sense of brotherhood among fellow warriors. The god inspires followers to seek self-improvement through challenges, celebrate the thrill of battle, and embody the warrior's spirit.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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