Plec Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Plec, a deity of neutral evil alignment, reigns over the goblin hordes as the master of conquest. His divine essence is symbolized by a crossbow with a flaming bolt—an emblem of ruthless ambition, militaristic dominance, and the malevolent force that propels goblins in their insatiable pursuit of conquest.   As the master of conquest, Plec revels in the chaos that ensues when goblin hordes march forth in relentless campaigns of aggression. His influence is felt in the strategic cunning of goblin commanders, the destructive power of siege weaponry, and the unyielding drive for territorial expansion.   Followers of Plec engage in acts of conquest, seeking to expand goblin territories and assert dominance over other realms. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of crossbows with flaming bolts, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic dance of militaristic conquest.   In the realms touched by Plec's influence, goblins become harbingers of conquest, leaving trails of destruction and flames in their wake. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of militaristic dominance lies a malevolent commitment to conquest and evil, where the crossbow with a flaming bolt symbolizes the relentless and destructive nature of goblin campaigns.

Holy Books & Codes

Plec's followers, known as Conquerors, revere the "Goblin Codex." This militaristic text details strategies for conquest, the importance of strength, and the role of goblins in expanding their influence. Conquerors seek to establish goblin dominance through calculated conquests.

Tenets of Faith

Conquerors adhere to the tenets of strength, strategic conquest, and the relentless pursuit of expansion. Plec's teachings inspire followers to view conquest as a means of proving their strength and securing their place in the world. Devotees are encouraged to value cunning tactics, military prowess, and the pursuit of territorial expansion.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Plec seeks to elevate goblins to positions of power and influence through strategic conquest. Conquerors are tasked with expanding goblin territories, establishing dominance over rival factions, and proving the strength of the goblin race. Plec's influence inspires followers to embrace a militaristic lifestyle and strive for conquest.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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