Ridros Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Ridros, a deity of neutral evil alignment, cloaks the realms in shadows as the master of night and darkness. His divine essence is symbolized by an obsidian dagger in shadows—an emblem of stealthy malevolence, the secrets concealed by the night, and the malevolent force that thrives in the darkness.   As the master of night, Ridros revels in the chaos that ensues when darkness becomes a veil for sinister deeds. His influence is felt in the silent movements of assassins, the chilling whispers of the nocturnal realm, and the unpredictable nature of malevolent forces concealed by shadows.   Devotees of Ridros engage in rituals that seek to invoke his malevolent influence, embracing the chaotic and stealthy nature of darkness to achieve their dark desires. Temples dedicated to the god often feature representations of obsidian daggers in shadows, creating spaces where worshippers can immerse themselves in the chaotic and treacherous dance of the night.   In the realms touched by Ridros' influence, darkness becomes a malevolent and unpredictable force, leaving mortals vulnerable to unseen threats. His worshippers understand that in the pursuit of secrets and malevolence lies a neutral evil commitment to chaos, where the obsidian dagger in shadows symbolizes the clandestine and treacherous nature of the night.

Holy Books & Codes

Ridros's followers, known as Shadowbinders, revere the "Obsidian Chronicles." These chronicles delve into the mysteries of the night, the power of shadows, and the secrets hidden in darkness. Shadowbinders seek to harness the power of night and shadows for various purposes.

Tenets of Faith

Shadowbinders adhere to the tenets of mystery, secrecy, and the exploration of the unknown. Ridros's teachings inspire followers to embrace the enigmatic nature of darkness, use shadows as a source of power, and uncover hidden truths. Devotees are encouraged to navigate the mysteries of the night, master the art of stealth, and explore the hidden realms.


The "Full Night" is a sacred celebration held during the month of Rid on day 20. Devotees of Ridros, known as Shadowweavers, participate in rituals to honor the celestial alignment that causes a temporary eclipse, shrouding the world in darkness. During this event, Shadowweavers gather to meditate on the mysteries of the night, seeking to commune with the divine essence of darkness and the enigmatic power of celestial alignment.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Ridros seeks to deepen the connection between mortals and the mysteries of the night. Shadowbinders are tasked with uncovering hidden knowledge, mastering the art of stealth, and utilizing the power of shadows for various purposes. Ridros's influence inspires followers to appreciate the beauty and potential of darkness.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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