Syric Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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by AI generated using NightCafe
  Syric, the malevolent and chaotic God of Murder, embodies the darkest aspects of existence. He was once a mortal being but was able to ascend to godhood by killing the God of Murder with a sword forged specially from the God of Smithing. This started as revenge due to a cultist killing his family, but feeling the rush of this new god power fueled something within him. His alignment veers toward chaos and evil, weaving a tapestry of bloodshed and treachery across the realms. The symbol of Syric is a twisted dagger, its blade perpetually covered in blood—a chilling representation of his domain and the violent acts that define his influence. Syric revels in the chaos of murder and the unpredictable nature of his deeds.   During the tumultuous events of the Realmswar, Syric played a role that left a lasting scar on the divine tapestry. His involvement in the conflict was marked by ruthless aggression, the murder of several gods and spreading chaos and sowing discord among gods and mortals alike. The aftermath of his actions led to his imprisonment as the realms sought to restore order. His imprisonment became a symbol of divine retribution, a warning to those who would wield the power of murder without consequence.   During his captivity, Syric's twisted legacy took an unexpected turn. In an ironic twist of fate, he played a pivotal role in the ascension of Sha, the God of Stealth, Rogues, and Fear. Syric, compelled by his chaotic nature, handed over a specially crafted sword from the God of Murder to Sha. This act unintentionally facilitated Sha's rise to godhood, shifting the balance of power within the pantheon.   Though imprisoned, Syric's influence lingers like a dark shadow over the realms. The cults and followers of murder, drawn to the allure of chaos and violence, continue to venerate his name in hushed whispers. Syric's legacy serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the consequences that befall those who succumb to the twisted allure of murder and chaos. Syric, confined yet ever-present, remains a symbol of the tumultuous forces that can shape the destinies of gods and mortals alike. The dagger, stained with the blood of countless victims, stands as a chilling reminder of the chaotic essence that once threatened to unravel the very fabric of the realms.

Holy Books & Codes

Followers of Syric, known as Darkblades, revere the "Twisted Dagger." This ominous text contains teachings on the art of assassination, the acceptance of murder as a divine act, and the pursuit of power through bloodshed. Darkblades seek to embrace the dark arts of assassination and thrive in the shadows.

Tenets of Faith

Darkblades adhere to the tenets of murder, darkness, and the pursuit of power through lethal means. Syric's teachings inspire followers to view murder as a sacred act, embrace the shadows, and seek power through the elimination of foes. Devotees are encouraged to act with ruthlessness, wield the dagger with precision, and revel in the pursuit of power through bloodshed.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Syric seeks to establish murder as a divine force and spread the influence of darkness. Darkblades are tasked with honing their skills in assassination, eliminating foes, and furthering the dark arts of murder. Syric's influence inspires followers to navigate the shadows with deadly precision and view murder as a path to divine power.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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