Taphine Character in Timeuria | World Anvil
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  Taphine, a deity of neutral good alignment, nurtures the realms as the mistress of fertility and growth. Her divine essence is symbolized by a blooming lotus—an emblem of abundant fertility, flourishing life, and the benevolent force that guides mortals in their pursuit of growth and prosperity.   As the guardian of fertility, Taphine fosters a connection between mortals and the bountiful blessings of the earth. Her influence is felt in the fertile lands that yield rich harvests, the blossoming of life in all its forms, and the harmonious coexistence between nature and the creatures that inhabit it.   Followers of Taphine engage in acts of cultivation, seeking to bring forth prosperity and growth in the lands they inhabit. Temples dedicated to the goddess often feature blooming lotuses as symbols of reverence, creating spaces where worshippers can reflect on the importance of fostering fertility and growth.   In the realms touched by Taphine's influence, fertility becomes a benevolent and life-affirming force, leaving landscapes teeming with lush abundance. Her worshippers understand that in the pursuit of growth and prosperity lies a neutral good commitment to balance, where the blooming lotus symbolizes the interconnected dance of life and the flourishing blessings of Taphine's influence.

Holy Books & Codes

Taphine's followers, known as Harvesters, revere the "Bountiful Codex." This nurturing text contains teachings on agriculture, fertility rites, and the celebration of growth. Harvesters seek to cultivate the land, promote fertility, and ensure bountiful harvests.

Tenets of Faith

Harvesters adhere to the tenets of fertility, growth, and the stewardship of nature. Taphine's teachings inspire followers to engage in agricultural practices, celebrate the cycles of growth, and promote the fertility of the land. Devotees are encouraged to cultivate the earth, nurture life, and celebrate the abundance of nature.


"Blossom Blessing" takes place during the month of Taph on day 8. Cultivators of Taphine, known as Bloomkeepers, come together to celebrate the fertility of the land and the promise of abundant growth. The festival features vibrant floral displays, agricultural contests, and rituals to invoke Taphine's blessings for prosperous harvests. Bloomkeepers express gratitude for the cycles of life and the bountiful yields granted by Taphine's influence.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Taphine seeks to foster a world where fertility and growth flourish. Harvesters are tasked with promoting sustainable agriculture, protecting natural ecosystems, and ensuring the prosperity of the land. Taphine's influence inspires followers to work harmoniously with nature, cultivating a world where life thrives and growth is celebrated.

Cover image: by AI generated using NightCafe


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